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The Canadian Taxpayers Federation estimates Ottawa will haul in roughly $6.1-billion in taxes from gasoline sales in the current budget year, up 7 per cent from $5.7-billion last year.

The Canadian Aboriginal Festival is a multi-faceted event. 加拿大土著节是一个多元化的节日。
The Canadian Consulate personally informed is the last chance. 这次加拿大领事馆亲自通知是最后的机会。
The Canadian Gene Cure Foundation says the discovery of a rare gene mutation might spare certain type 1 diabetic children painful insulin injections. 加拿大基因治疗基金会日前表示,该国研究人员最近发现的一种罕见的基因变异可能会减轻某些Ⅰ型糖尿病患儿注射胰岛素的痛苦。
The Canadian Government recognizes that immigrants have been the life-blood of this young country. 加拿大政府意识到,吸纳大量的新移民是这个年轻的国家活力的源泉。
The Canadian Health Food Association (CHFA) is Canada's largest national trade association representing the interests of over 85% of the suppliers and retail companies which make up Canada's natural health and organic products industries. 加拿大健康食品协会是加拿大最大的贸易协会,由天然健康、有机功能产品行业85%以上的的供货商和零售商组成。
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation estimates Ottawa will haul in roughly $6.1-billion in taxes from gasoline sales in the current budget year, up 7 per cent from $5.7-billion last year. 加拿大纳税人联盟估计,联邦政府在本财政年度里将从汽油税上收取61亿的税款,在去年57亿油税基础上增加了7%。
The Canadian city of Halifax launched a no-scent encouragement programin 1996, urging people not to wear fragrances to help reduce illness and discomfort. 加拿大城市哈利法克斯在1996年推出了一项无香活动,要求人们通过不擦香水来减少生病和身体不适的几率。
The Canadian climbers on the mountain Tuesday. 加拿大的登山运动员上个星期二被困在了山上。
The Canadian dollar gained steam Tuesday after Quebec election results squelched the odds of separation. 魁北克的选举结果抑制了魁北克独立的势头导致加币星期二上涨。
The Canadian firm had repacked Chinese garlic and shipped it, peeled, in five-pound jars. 加拿大那家公司是把中国大蒜剥皮后重新包装出口的。
The Canadian foreign-policy establishment, in tune with the previous Liberal government, likes to make much of the country's mission to help Africa. 所以此次访问哥伦比亚而不是墨西哥或巴西可谓是趟大胆之行,甚至在有人看来不可思议。

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