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Put your tongue out , please.

Put your pens down. 把(你的)笔放下。
Put your pens on the desks, please. 请把你们的钢笔放在桌子上。
Put your repository on a reliable server. 把你的库放到一个可信的服务器上。
Put your tapes on the machines as you've been shown and switch to “Duplicate”. 就如示范给你们看得那样,把磁带放在机子里,然后开“复制”键。
Put your thoughts into action. 把思想付诸于行动。
Put your tongue out , please. 请把舌头伸出来。
Put your toys away in the cupboard, when you've finished playing. 你把玩具玩儿完了以後放进柜子里去.
Put your “ John Hancock ” on this document. 请你在这个文件上签名。
Put yourself in your user's place and take a good hard look at your site and ask yourself if the ads feel intrusive. 请你站在用户的角度考虑一下,仔细看看你的网站,如果广告太多的话,自己会不会对该网站感到厌烦。
Put zombies out of their misery by attacking them between swipes. 对它们猛烈地挥击吧,好让它们能从自身的苦痛中解脱。
Putin caused a diplomatic frenzy by offering to drop in on the former Soviet republic after the summit to congratulate Chirac, a political ally, on his birthday. 普廷因提议在北约高峰会后顺道造访拉脱维亚这个前苏联共和国,以便为政治盟友席哈克庆生,而引发外交骚动。

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