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A portal system engine based at ASP technology, with modular specifications, user-based themes global system, global account system, and other stuffs.

A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building. 柱廊有由圆柱支撑房顶的门廊或走道,通常通往建筑物的入口处
A port inspection office shall contact with the import entity within 2 days from the day it receives the Imported Drugs Port Inspection Notice, and shall fetch samples in the specified storage place of the cargos. 口岸药品检验所接到《进口药品口岸检验通知书》后,应当在2日内与进口单位联系,到规定的存货地点按照《进口药品抽样规定》进行现场抽样。
A portable enclosure in which a baby or young child can be safely left to play. 游戏围栏供婴儿或幼童安全地在里面玩耍的轻便围栏
A portable roll of bedding used especially by campers and others who sleep outdoors. 睡袋可卷起的便于携带的被褥,常由野营者或其他露宿的人使用
A portable test system (PTS) can detect endotoxin contaminants in medical devices, biologic products, drugs, and can be used for other applications, including spacecraft missions. 一种便携式检测系统(PTS)能够检测医疗设备、生物产品和药物中的内毒素污染,能够用于各种环境,包括太空船。
A portal system engine based at ASP technology, with modular specifications, user-based themes global system, global account system, and other stuffs. 这是个基于ASP的门户系统引擎,使用模块化规范,包括:基于用户的主题全局系统,全局账户系统以及其它功能。
A porter or bearer in certain Moslem countries. 搬运工在某些穆斯林国家的搬运工
A portfolio can encompass a whole array of different investment vehicles, ranging from cash to commodities and including bonds, equities and alternative investments . 投资组合可以包括很多不同的投资载体,从现金到商品,还包括债券、股票和其它非传统型投资。
A portiere was hanging in front of the door. 门前挂着一幅门帘。
A portion of the goods arrived damaged. We have to put in a claim for the damage. 货物抵达时部分受损。我方不得不提出申诉。
A portion of the manuscript is illegible. 相当数量的一部份手稿不易辨读。

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