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The Brief Analysis of Marketing : Because of the for foreigners use sodium to wood paper slurry blanch and the domestic use it to sterilize the water for living, fishing and swimming pools at present intead of chlorine to avoid the carcinogen caused by ch

The Breezy Meadow Cashmere Farm in Bellingham, Washington, says cashmere goats are big enough to be kept with sheep and cattle. 一个饲养这种羊的在柏林和华盛顿说,克什米尔大得象牛羊一样。
The Brethren hold a prayer meeting every Thursday. 教友每周四举行一次祷告会。
The Bridal Gown :Every bride is beautiful. the bridal gown should bring a smile to your face. If it doesn't, it's not the right dress. 新娘礼服:每个新娘都是美丽的,一件婚纱应该能为你的面庞带来微笑,如果不是这样,你就选错了婚纱。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : After this project put into production, the sale income may receive 10 billion Yuan, tax 1.5 billion Yuan, which can solve the employment of 3,500 people. 市场简要分析:该项目投产后可实现销售收入100亿元人民币,年利税15亿元人民币,可解决就业3500人。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : After this project put into production, the sale income may receive 9 billion Yuan, 1.35 billion Yuan annual tax, which can solve the employment of 1000 people. 市场简要分析:该项目投产后可实现销售收入90亿元人民币,年利税13.5亿元人民币,解决就业人员1000人。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : Because of the for foreigners use sodium to wood paper slurry blanch and the domestic use it to sterilize the water for living, fishing and swimming pools at present intead of chlorine to avoid the carcinogen caused by ch 市场简要分析:国外氯酸钠主要用于木浆造纸漂白,国内近年来主要用于自来水、游泳池、养鱼塘的杀菌,替代传统的氯气,消除氯气带来的有害致癌物质。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The bamboo carbon already is widely used in the fields of the water quality purifies, the room temperature-adjusting, fresh-presevation, health caring and cosmetology. 市场简要分析:竹碳已经广泛应用于水质净化、居室调温、保鲜、保健、美容等领域。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The demanded amount is large and the market of it is vastitude. 市场简要分析:市场需求量大,市场前景看好。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The domestic market demand for the animal medicine is plenty while the enterprises that get the standard for GMP is few. 市场简要分析:我国动物药成品市场很大,而达到GMP标准的生产企业很少。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The estimated sales income may receive 700 million Yuan, the year tax is 30 million Yuan, and the personal average increasing income is 700 Yuan and increasing 2,000 employment posts. 市场简要分析:预计可实现销售收入7亿元人民币,年创利税3000万元人民币,农户人均增收700元,增加就业岗位2000个。
The Brief Analysis of Marketing : The ethyl alcohol is the processing industry project of the subsidiary agricultural products with the characteristics of the advanced and mature technics, the low consumption and no environmental pollution. 市场简要分析:乙醇是农副产品加工业项目,工艺技术先进、可靠、低耗能、无环境污染。

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