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As the bailiff leads Michael away, Michael sees his nephew, LJ, sitting in the courtroom. “Go home LJ.

As the authorities superlative yearn and expression toward the order feeling knot of royal order, the traditional thought of no litigation endures the test from social each aspect. 摘要作为官方对王权主义秩序情结极致性的向往与表达,传统无讼思想承受着来自社会各层面的考量。
As the authors note, this may not be too surprising. 正如作者指出的那样,这一结果也许并不那么令人吃惊。
As the authors of campus literature, college students mostly take love stories and homesickness as the motifs of their creative works, and regard the cyber writing as the trend towards campus literature. 摘要高校学生作为校园文学作者,其创作多以爱情与乡愁为主题,并以网络写作为时尚。
As the baby-boom generation ages, America, Europe and Japan will face an explosion in health-care costs unless researchers find new treatments. 随着婴儿潮出生的一代人逐渐老去,美国,欧洲和日本都将面临保健费用激增的局面,除非专家们能找出新的治疗方法。
As the bags and boxes were packed that summer for our departure, the household was steadily converted into luggage, and our bungalow rang hollow. 那个夏天我们将要启程了,行囊箱笼都在打包,一家人井然有序地收拾着行李,我们居住的平房渐渐空旷了。
As the bailiff leads Michael away, Michael sees his nephew, LJ, sitting in the courtroom. “Go home LJ. 正当迈克尔要被法警带离时,他看到了自己的侄子,LJ,坐在法庭里。
As the basic frame of city planning, the structure of urban green system plays an important role in urban green system planning. 摘要城市绿地系统结构是系统规划建设的基础框架,对城市绿地形成完整有机的系统具有重要作用。
As the basic materials to guide the self-teaching of the students, good teaching materials provide a wonderful panorama of the world, various moral demonstrations, and incessantly extending intelligence margin as well. 好的教材将为学生提供美丽广阔的世界图景,提供丰富多样的道德示范,提供不断延伸的智力空间,是引导学生自主学习的基础材料。
As the basis for other stock market issues, we use toad yield of China's Stock Market to measure the overall returns in the gradual settlement of equity division. 本文提出用全收益率的标准来衡量中国股市的整体收益率,认为在股权分置及其逐步解决的过程中,研究股市全收益率具有重要的意义,也是讨论股市其它问题的理论基础。
As the battle for control of ABN AMRO, a Dutch bank, took new twists, Alcoa, an American aluminium giant, launched a hostile bid for Alcan, a Canadian rival. 当荷兰银行控制权之争迎来新转折的时候,美国铝业巨头美铝亚洲为它的竞争对手加拿大铝业集团抛出了恶意收购的投标。
As the battle goes on we feel stronger. 我们在战斗中更加强壮.

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