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They are adverse to us.

They are activists who protest against doing an experimentation with animals. 我想表达的意思是,他们是抗议用动物做实验的积极分子。
They are actually political cases. 他们确实是政治案件。
They are actuated, usually without their own knowledge, by hatred: the destruction of what they hate is their real purpose, and they are comparatively indifferent to the question what is to come after it. 他们为仇恨所驱使,但自己往往还没意识到这一点……他们的真正目的是毁灭他们所仇恨的事物,相对来说对随后应做什么的问题并不关心。
They are adept at giving the customer more than he or she expects . 他们追求的不是交易,而是培养与客户之间的关系。
They are adept at high-profile gestures such as a donation of four endangered white Siberian tigers to Zimbabwe for a captive breeding programme. 他们善于做一些引人注目的姿态,例如,向津巴布韦一个动物的圈养方案捐献4只濒危灭绝的西伯利亚白虎。
They are adverse to us. 他们对我们怀有敌意。
They are adverse to violence. 他们是反对暴力的。
They are advocates of free trade. 他们是自由贸易的倡导者。
They are afraid of each other. 他们互相害怕.
They are after you, you might as well clear out. 他们正追你, 你还是离开的好。
They are against the monarchy and the royal army. 他们反对君主制和王军。

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