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The designer's light touch also ensured that the potentially cumbersome volumes of fabric—sweeping ankle-length coats, layered-over full skirts—were controlled via airy duvet linings and decorative hand-stitched quilting.

The designer is hip to the latest fashion. 设计师对时装的最新款式了如指掌。
The designer is working hard on a new project. 设计师在努力筹划新颖的设计项目。
The designer must decide whether it is worthwhile in individual cases. 实际应用中,设计师们应该认真考虑是否采用这个方法。
The designer team, full of originality, passion and devotion to their undertaking, is a strong guarantee to our design quality and the perfect materialization of our clients' requirements. 公司拥有一支经验丰富、充满创意,热情和敬业的设计师团队,将有力地保证我们的设计和客户的要求得到完美体现.
The designer will be involved in evangelizing these efforts among fellow designers and across the company with the aim of creating a dramatically improved Adobe user experience. 设计者在传福音在同伴的设计者之中的这些努力方面将会是积极参与的和横过和创造一种戏剧地改良的烘干砖使用者经验的目标公司。
The designer's light touch also ensured that the potentially cumbersome volumes of fabric—sweeping ankle-length coats, layered-over full skirts—were controlled via airy duvet linings and decorative hand-stitched quilting. 设计师消遣式的设计格调,使得本是很笨重的布料——拖及脚踝的外套、层层叠制的长裙——能够用轻盈的绒衬、以及手工的衲缝(被上缝花纹的缝法)而得到控制。
The designer's specialty is creating breathtaking print ads. 创作令人惊异的平面广告是这位设计师的专长。
The designers have sacrificed speed for fuel economy. 设计者为节省燃料牺牲了速度.
The designers of railcars have paid attention to noise inside railcars in order to make passengers comfortable. 摘要降低铁路客车力内噪声,提高乘坐舒适度已经成爲铁路客车车辆设计者越来越重视的问题。
The designers of the J2ME virtual machine lightened the load on the mobile device by moving most of the verification work onto the developer's desktop, where the class files are compiled, or onto a server machine, where applications are downloaded. J2ME虚拟机的设计者减轻了移动设备上的负荷,把大部分校验工作搬到的开发者的桌面上,那是类文件被编译的地方,或者搬到用于下载应用的服务器上。
The designers should look ahead. 设计师应当眼光放远。

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