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Study on Genetic Diversity of Silurus asotus(Linnaeus) and Ictalurus nebulosus with RAPD Technique

The study of methylobalamin slowly release from DL-PLA/CHI compound membrane as carrier in vitro 消旋聚乳酸/甲壳素复合膜作为载体的甲钴胺缓释研究
The Prokaryotic Expression and Bio-activity Examination of TAT-GFP-ERβ Protein TAT-GFP-ER融合蛋白的原核表达与鉴定
Hainantoxin-Ⅵ,A Novel Tarantula Neurotoxin Inhibiting Insect Voltage-gated Sodium Channel Inactivation 海南捕鸟蛛毒素-Ⅵ,一种新型的抑制昆虫电压门控钠通道失活的狼蛛神经毒素(英文)
Free amino acid content of oviductal and uterine fluid at different oestrous stages in the cow 雌牛生殖道内游离氨基酸种类及含量分析
Study on Soluble Expression and Characteristics of Recombinant Lipase from Serratia marcescens ECU1010 重组黏质沙雷菌脂肪酶的可溶性表达及其性质研究
Study on Genetic Diversity of Silurus asotus(Linnaeus) and Ictalurus nebulosus with RAPD Technique 用RAPD技术对鲶和褐首鲶遗传多样性的研究
Bioinformatics Prediction of Non-Canonical Splice Sites in Drosophila melanogaster 果蝇非经典剪接位点的生物信息学预测
Cloning,Expression and Purification of Human Nuclear Autoantigenic Sperm Protein(hNASP) and Preparation of Its Polyclonal Antibody 人细胞核自身抗原精子蛋白的重组表达及多克隆抗体制备
Analysis of the Anesthetic Death of Laboratory Rabbits by Ketamine 氯胺酮麻醉实验兔死亡原因分析
Application of somatic stem cells in salivary gland tissue engineering 成体干细胞在涎腺组织工程中的应用

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