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The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh.

The all-powerful interim government formed afterwards will hold the constituent assembly elections. 随后,由全权的临时政府进行制宪会议选举。
The all-round development of aesthetics in the High Tang Era was closely related to the profound influence of the aesthetic standard in Western China in the Northern Dynasty and this is the source of the High Tang Atmosphere, which represents the mainstre 盛唐美学思潮的全面展开,与北朝西部审美观的深远影响,有着千丝万缕的内在联系,此乃中国美学主潮在封建社会顶峰形成“盛唐气象”的力量之源。
The allegation stems from a report by the Small Business Administration (SBA). 这个结论是基于小企业联合会的报告。
The allegations appeared in that bastion of fact, the Daily Express. 这样的传闻首先在每日通讯上出现,有大量的事实支持。
The allegations were all flatly denied. 这些指责遭到断然否认.
The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fictioh. 所以,所谓中国盗窃美国的军事机密的问题,可以认为是一种天方夜谭。
The alleged Chinese theft of US military technology is only a fiction. 所以,所谓中国盗窃美国的军事机密的问题,可以认为是一种天方夜谭。
The alleged rape happened in March. 据说强奸发生在三月。
The allergens in all of the extracts survived the exposure. 提取物中的过敏原都没有被胃内容破坏。
The allergic purport is the blood vessel inflammation that many children are easy to go to bad. 摘要过敏性紫癜是一种儿童多发的血管炎。
The alley cat kicked the bucket last night. 那只野猫昨夜踢了水桶)。

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