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About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way.

About ten days before the marriage, a peculiar ornament made of jade, or red lacquer, was sent to the home of the bride. 大约在婚礼前的十几天,一件玉或红亮漆做的装饰品送到了新娘家。
About ten in the morning we reached the county seat of Foutung where my guard was to drop me. 上午十点钟左右,我们到达阜东县,我的警卫员护送我这一程的任务便告完成而将与我分手。
About ten kinds of new technologies and processes was introduced and discussed to summarized the trend in the area. 通过对十几种新技术和工艺的评述,介绍了该领域的发展趋势。
About ten years ago when I was an undergraduate in college, I was working as an intern at my University's Museum of Natural History. 十年前我还是一名在校大学生,那时我在学校的自然历史博物馆实习。
About text mode browsers: if you don't mind reading only the texts, they are great. Period. 关于文本模式的浏览器:如果你不介意仅仅读文本,它们极其出色。就是这么回事。
About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way. 23那时,因为这道起的扰乱不小。
About that time there occurred no small disturbance concerning the Way. 徒19:23那时、因为这道起的扰乱不小。
About that, the discussions of this paper are following: legal ecological principle, the new goal and duty of government for sustainable development, the new system of about natural resource and ecological environment, behavior normalized of enterprises a 对可持续发展法律的生态化原则、可持续发展法律中的国家发展目标与政府职责、可持续发展法律对有关生态环境及资源的制度保障、适应可持续发展的产业发展法律和政策、适应可持续发展的企业行为规范、适应可持续发展的消费者行为规范、适应可持续发展的社会团体的法律地位等问题进行探讨。
About the Mr. Paul project, we are needing the certified drawing of the complementary order!!!! 关于保罗的项目,我们需要会签的图纸及补充的订单。
About the Voice and all that I found out afterwards. 都是人所共知的那一套!
About the alternative, oral sedation application can be the selection, whereas its considerations. 在这些替代方法中,经口服镇静作用是可以考虑的选项,当然它有一些特别的性质及注意事项。

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