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In revenge, the serpent spat some of its poison into the man's drinking-cup.

In return, the provider must never agree to execute a task that he or she knows is unattainable. Both partners must be honest and realistic about abilities and conflicting requirements. 另一方面,供应商如果知道这件工作是无法达成的,就绝对不要答应去做,合作夥伴双方对于能力和矛盾的需求必须诚实和实际来面对。
In return, the werewolves were to watch over Gaia's creation, protecting both their human and lupine cousins. 而狼人则为盖亚照顾她地造物作为补偿,他们要同时保护人和狼。
In return, they will have to produce evidence of good governance. 作为回报,两国必须提出实行良治的证据。
In return; in response; back. 作为回报;作为回应;回答
In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man. 在报复和爱情中,女人比男人更为野蛮。
In revenge, the serpent spat some of its poison into the man's drinking-cup. 为了报仇,蛇在农夫的水杯里放了毒药。
In revenue terms, however, Real Madrid is the undisputed leader. It generated turnover of ?275.7m (£186.2m) in the 2004-05 season against United's £166.4m. 然而,以收入衡量,皇马是毫无争议的领先者。在2004至05赛季,该俱乐部的营业收入为2.757亿欧元(合1.862亿英镑),高于曼联的1.664亿英镑。
In revenue terms, however, Real Madrid is the undisputed leader. It generated turnover of ?275.7m (£186.2m) in the 2004-05 season against United‘s £166.4m. 然而,以收入衡量,皇马是毫无争议的领先者。在2004至05赛季,该俱乐部的营业收入为2.757亿欧元(合1.862亿英镑),高于曼联的1.664亿英镑。
In reverse logistics, generally, the return process of used product is considered the external factor, and can not be controlled by firms, so the controlling for the used product inventory is very difficult. 摘要在逆向物流研究中,一般观点总是把产品返回流视作外部因素,企业失去主动性而消极的接受返回物流,从而使得产品回收系统中的库存控制极其困难。
In reverse, at the discretion of the controller, communicaton by text maybe more efficiently depending on workload and/or language difficulties and typing skills. 相应的,管制员在使用文字通讯时应该更加谨慎,这会增加工作量,也更加依赖于你的语言熟悉成都和输入能力。
In review a novel, you shall try to titillate rather than satiate the reader's interest. 评论一本小说的时候,你应想办法刺激而不是满足读者的兴趣。

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