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Here starts the mysterious trip.

Here she comes! Everyone hush up! 她来了!请大家安静!
Here she created a temple garden and constructed several temples. 她在这里建造了一个庙宇花园,由几座庙宇组成。
Here she paused, confused by the vast number of assorted cup, mugs and beakers that stared blankly back at her. 在那里她停了一下,那些成套的酒杯,有柄大杯及那些大口杯好像都在茫然的盯着她,她感到迷茫。
Here small, only a few people activities. 这里很小,只有很少人活动。
Here stands Columbus,whom the street boys used once to follow and jeer,because he wanted to discover a new world;and he has discovered it. 现在站在我们面前的是哥伦布,正因为他想发现一个新世界而已经发现这个新世界,一群街头玩童一度追逐着嘲笑他。
Here starts the mysterious trip. 神奇之旅从这里开始。
Here the 100 software uninstall feature, but will also be constantly updated. 此处提供了100种软件的卸载功能,而且还会不断更新。
Here the air warms up, taking most heat from the sun blinds and is then drawn off by means of mechanical ventilation. 空气在隔层内升温,通过机械通风排走,带走了遮阳叶片上大量的太阳热量。
Here the author sums up two main acceleration mechanisms of proton, proton energy, angular distribution, proton yields and correlative principle in different experimental conditions. 文章综述了产生质子的两种主要加速机制以及在不同实验条件下超短超强激光与等离子体相互作用过程中得到质子的能量、角分布、产额以及相关的原理。
Here the boundary jogs south. 边境线在这里向南转弯。
Here the changes lie in constantly trying out new wirings of the Enigma plugboard. 梯度算法逐步对对象(在此情况下为线路连接板设置)进行改变,以此来优化对象。

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