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Let's spin a coin to decide who'll have the first turn.
让我们抛硬币(猜正反 面)来决定谁先开始.

Let's sit over here by this window. 让我们坐在窗子这里吧。
Let's sit the front seat, then, we can watch clearer a lot. 我们坐前排吧,这样可以看得清楚一些。
Let's slope off somewhere quiet and have a drink. 我们悄悄溜到什么地方去喝上一杯。
Let's speed up. 我们赶快些吧。
Let's spend another half an hour painting and then have done with it. 我们再画半个小时把它画完吧.
Let's spin a coin to decide who'll have the first turn. 让我们抛硬币(猜正反 面)来决定谁先开始.
Let's split the difference and call it 28. 我们平分价格差额,算作28怎么样?
Let's split up. I'll get the vegetables and you get the other stuff. We'll meet at the checkout counter. 我们分头进行。我去买疏菜,你去买其他的东西。我们在收银台会合。
Let's start a brand new story, now, my love. 让我们开始一段崭新的故事,现在,我的爱。
Let's start afresh. 咱们重新开始吧.
Let's start again from the beginning. 让我们从头再开始。

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