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Smith: We're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage.

Smith: It\'s really delicious. 斯米夫:真香。
Smith: May I look around the factory? 史密斯:我可以在厂里到处走走吗?
Smith: OK, what's your monthly capacity? 史密斯:好,您的月产量是多少啊?
Smith: Really, there is famous for light industry, isn't it? 哦,真的吗?那里的轻工业很有名,不是吗?
Smith: The pleasure is ours. Can you deliver the goods by March 31st? 史密斯:是我们的荣幸才对。你们能在3月31号前发货吗?
Smith: We're doing some heavy house-cleaning at home tomorrow, and my wife needs me to help with the attic and the garage. 史密斯:明天我们家要大扫除,我妻子让我帮她收拾阁楼、车库。
Smith: Yes, thanks. It looks enticing. How do you make it? 斯米夫:好吧,谢谢。这看起来真诱人。这是怎样做的?
Smithson, a bioterrorism expert at the Henry L. 「那些管制措施应该全球通用。」
Smith:Really,there is famous for light industry,isn't it? 史密斯:哦,真的吗?那里的轻工业很有名,不是吗?
Smith:Yes,please do.Oh,it's beautifully designed. 史密斯:请给我看。哦,这些花型很漂亮。
Smobing is banned in this train. 火车里禁止抽烟。

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