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By the analysis on the characteristic and advantage of Wushu social organization, the paper proposes that Wushu social organization should glorify Chinese Whshu on the high level of culture;

By statistical analysis,we have established that the baseline of Ni in the surface soil of Guiyang is 7.0 mg/kg and that the soil with Ni content over 7.0 mg/kg may suffer contamination caused by human activities. 通过对 个样品的分析,得到以下结论:贵阳市表层土壤中镍的基线值为7.0 mg/kg,大于7.0 mg/kg的样品可能遭受人为污染.
By textual criticism,the author concludes that the hostess died in the first year of Taiyan( AD),her clan beloning to the Poduoluo tribe of Xinbei maybe moved to Pingcheng in the fourth year of Tianxing(0AD). 据题记考证,该墓主人为女性,死于太延元年( 年)。 她的家族属鲜卑破多罗部,或于天兴四年(0年)迁至平城。
By the -8 week, there has been bone trabecula joining the two union sites, osteogenic cell and osteoblast grew briskly around the cortex of allograft. 移植后一8周,两接合端已有骨小梁连接,异体骨皮质周围骨原细胞和成骨细胞生长活跃;
By the Vibrio harveyi luminescence bioassay, it was found that Er. 通过Vibrio harveyi发光检测系统检测到Er.
By the analysis of luxury and waste, niggard and malconsuming activity, this paper urges us to overcome passive consuming activity and cultivate a fine habit in our practical life. 通过对奢侈、吝啬、不良消费行为的分析 ,要求我们在现实生活中要克服消极消费行为 ,养成良好的消费习惯。
By the analysis on the characteristic and advantage of Wushu social organization, the paper proposes that Wushu social organization should glorify Chinese Whshu on the high level of culture; 文章通过对武术社团自身特点和优势的分析,提出武术社团应站在文化的高度弘扬传统武术;
By the classical classified method, the NW strain was primarily identified as Albosporus group of Streptomyces, which is similar to Streptomyces albidus. 应用经典分类鉴定方法对NW 放线菌菌株进行了鉴定,初步认为该菌与链霉菌属白孢类群的微白链霉菌(Streptomyces albidus)类似。
By the end of 998, Iraq was the only target of American containment strategy, when the regime of Saddam in Iraq was overthrown in 00 in the Iraq War. 998年底,美国海湾战略转变为独遏伊拉克,00 年美国发动伊拉克战争,结束了伊拉克的萨达姆时代。
By the planning and design of Qin Ren Street in Xing'an County, Guilin City, Guangxi Province, this article discussed the guide points of 'The Six Determinants of Architectural Form' on architecture design which was put forward by Pual Rudolph 本文通过广西省桂林市兴安县秦人街设计构思,探讨了了保罗·鲁道夫提出的《建筑形式的六个决定因素》对建筑设计的指导作用。
By the regression analysis of the three production functions and the comparative research,it has been found that human capital is important,and human capital level is the Granger cause to the economic growth. 通过对浙江经济增长过程中的三种类型生产函数的回归分析,及其各支撑因素对经济增长贡献率的比较研究,发现人力资本在经济增长的重要作用,人力资本水平是经济增长的格兰杰(Granger)原因。
By the study we found that we could study to inject environment hormone using oosperm. 研究表明可以利用鸡的受精卵来进行环境激素的注射研究,也就是说,可以利用鸡的受精卵来进行环境激素评价法的研究.

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