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Based on the pre-amplifier circuit board of the data acquisition &control; system of the industrial CT, this paper explains how to use CPLD to control the timing of DDC112.

Based on the practice in designing Master Control System of Guangzhou Metro Line 3, and with the successful experiences in metro comprehensive automation abroad, this paper summarizes the design ideas for the integration platform in China, on the purpose 摘要通过借鉴国外地铁综合自动化方面的成功经验,结合广州地铁3号线主控系统的实际工程设计实践,对国内地铁综合自动化集成平台的设计思路进行系统性总结,以推动国内地铁自动化集成技术的应用和发展。
Based on the practice of bilingual education in medical biochemistry,this paper discussed the advantages,problems and solutions of bilingual education in medical biochemistry of teaching-centred medical college or university.This study will be helpful for 结合双语教学的实践,分析了教学科研型医学院校实行生物化学双语教学的特点及存在的问题,进一步探讨了解决问题的办法,为同类院校生物化学双语教学的开展提供了一定的参考。
Based on the practice of cataloguing of Chinese film and video data, this paper analyzes the classification and the characteristic of Chinese film and video data, discusses the property and standardization of CNMARC description for the data. 摘要论文通过中文影像资料文献编目的实践,分析了此类文献资料的类型与特点,探讨了其在CNMARC著录中的特殊性以及著录的规范化问题。
Based on the practice of urban mass transit construction, the author analyses some cost taches of investment control in the design phase: rational goal, scientific analysis of structure and procedure, appropriate method and measure, argues that timizing m 摘要以国内城市轨道交通建设实践爲背景,提出了设计阶段投资控制的几个重要环节:合理设置目标,科学分析结构与过程,选择合适的方法与措施,优化各种关系,突出控制重点。
Based on the practice teaching program in East China Institute of Technology, general theory for construction of characteristic practice teaching system in universities is put forward. 摘要文章通过对东华理工学院教学实践环节建设的探索,提出构建高校特色实践教学体系的一般理论。
Based on the pre-amplifier circuit board of the data acquisition &control; system of the industrial CT, this paper explains how to use CPLD to control the timing of DDC112. 摘要结合工业CT的数据采集控制系统的前置放大器电路,分析了利用CPLD对电流积分型前放芯片DDC112进行逻辑控制的方法。
Based on the pre-phase study on making ethanol and ethylene by cooperation between the project team of biomass research and exploitation of energy resources of Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences and CNPC (China National Petrochemical Corporation), 摘要结合近几年新疆农科院生物质能源研发课题组与中国石化总公司合作研究与开发利用甜高粱制取乙醇、乙烯等的前期实践,从生物质乙烯产业发展对缓解石油供需矛盾的重要性、新疆所具备的优势条件与可能遇到的问题及解决途径,阐述了发展生物质乙烯产业对新疆农业结构调整、农民增收和新型工业化的促进作用。
Based on the predecessor's research achievement, more sources have been cited, and explore systematically those aspects relating to imperial clan of Song Dynasty, such as administrative organs, genealogical tree edit, right in law, education, election, ex 本论文在前人研究成果基础上,资料利用上有所拓宽,系统考察了与宋朝宗室密切相关的管理机关、谱牒编修、法律权利、教育、选试应举、任官等各项制度,并对宗室人口、宗室进士人数、宗室担任地方官等重要方面作了数量上的分析。
Based on the prediction of both the external economic factor of market and the internal management factor of enterprise which influence the construction cost directly, the control criteria for the project construction cost can be precisely determined; by 摘要项目施工成本预测的内外因素的主要内容是,通过对影响成本变化的外部市场经济因素和企业内部管理因素的预测,可以较准确地确定工程施工成本的控制标准,克服成本支出盲目性,提高科学预见性,实现管理费的目标控制。
Based on the present experimental study designed according to the findings available of migration regularities of and mathematic models established for petroleum-series contaminants in the soil, a review is presented of the history of the experiments, fin 本文根据目前国内外对石油类污染物在土壤中的迁移规律和建立数学模型所设计的实验研究,概述了对此类研究实验的历史、己取得的成果、具有代表性的实验和实验研究进展,指出了现有实验研究中存在的问题及发展趋势。
Based on the present situation of online cataloguing, this paper points out library cataloguing should extend and perfect its work under online cataloguing environment, and puts forwards some suggestion on how to improve the quality of library cataloguing 摘要本文从联机编目的概况入手,探讨了联机编目环境下图书馆编目工作的拓展与完善,并就编目工作中应注意的一些问题提出了自己的看法。

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