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In partial moles, some villi (as seen here at the lower left) appear normal, whereas others are swollen. There is minimal trophoblastic proliferation.

In part this was a device to rally support for his Congressional campaign. 在一定程度上,这也是他国会选举中争取支持的一种手段。
In part two of the study, the scientists will work to confirm their findings by determining if any genetic factors associated with early atherosclerosis in PDAY subjects also predict atherosclerosis in living participants of the $68 million MESA study. 该研究的第二部分,科学家们将致力于通过检测来确认他们在PDAY受试者中所发现的任何与动脉粥样硬化相关的基因因素,并预测耗资6.8亿美元的MESA研究的活体受试者的动脉粥样硬化情况。
In part, that success has stemmed from criticisms about the inability of poor countries to pay for the drugs that many participants raised at earlier AIDS conferences. 但这一功效也得到了部分批判意见,理由是,在往届艾滋病大会中,都有与会代表提出,在某些特困国家的病人根本无力支付这样的治疗费用。
In part, the rise simply reflects the cyclical nature of most commodities. 价格提升在一定程度上反映了多数商品的周期性。
In part, this is due to the fact that most lobar pneumonias are due to Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) and for decades, these have responded well to penicillin therapy so that advanced, severe cases are not seen as frequently. 部分原因是,绝大多数大叶性肺炎由链球菌(肺炎球菌)引起,并且数十年来,青霉素治疗对其比较有效,因此复杂、严重的病例不常见。
In partial moles, some villi (as seen here at the lower left) appear normal, whereas others are swollen. There is minimal trophoblastic proliferation. 在部分胎块中,一些绒毛(左下所示)表现正常,然而它处绒毛肿胀。有最小限度的滋养层增生。
In particular embodiments, the integrated subassembly is inserted into a recess in a housing of a shaving razor. 某几型产品中,整体的刀片组插入(剃须刀)外罩的凹穴。
In particular embodiments, the longitudinal ends of the blades are received in slots in the first and second plastic blocks. 某几型产品中,刀片的纵向末端收藏于第一、二根塑料块的凹槽内。
In particular he criticizes political leaders for being sucked into using meaningless phrases and hackneyed mantras to disguise policies or protect themselves from accountability. 他还特别批评了政府领导人们热衷于使用无意义词语和陈腐高调来伪饰政策或推脱责任的行为。
In particular indie jeans labels are very hot. 尤其是小品牌牛仔裤非常抢手。
In particular we will be concerned with the way traditional performance practices are affected by and respond to the consequences of modernization. 我们将特别关怀传统的展演实践,如何受到现代化结果的影响及其因应之道。

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