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They could comfort you when you felt like giving up.

They could be part of the mythical city of Mahabalipuram, which legend says was so beautiful that the gods sent a flood that engulfed six of its seven temples. 它们可能是传说中的马哈巴利普兰古城的一部分,神话中说这座城市太美丽了,以至于诸神唤来洪水,淹没了城内七座寺庙中的六座。
They could be rectangular, hexagons, or any shape, really. 它们可能是矩形,六角形,或任何形状,真的。
They could be the Yankees again, if they get better pitching. 洋基会再回来的,如果洋基有好的投手。
They could be the key and I think they're up to it. 他们会成为关键先生,我想他们可以胜任的。
They could come to you at night and weep for you and the tears would wash away some of the difficulties and the pain. 他们能在夜里来找你,为你啜泣,而那些泪水会为你洗去一些困难和痛苦。
They could comfort you when you felt like giving up. 当你感到想要放弃时,他们能安慰你。
They could confidently undertake their work. 因此他们就能满有把握的担任他们的工作。
They could even be having lunch together as you read this. 甚至你读这篇文章时,他们也许正一起吃午饭呢。
They could even have the experience of being eaten alive(the genetic memory of horror for humans in a body for millions of years) -- and pop out again with ease. 他们甚至能有自己被“活活吃掉”的经验(体内的数百万年前人类恐怖的遗传记忆)——再一次轻松地一跃而出。
They could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. 只是找不着他的错误过失,因他忠心办事,毫无错误过失。
They could gain their subsistence in the mountains. 他们在山里能够活下去。

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