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She deplored his scandalous actions.

She denied herself for the good of her family. 她为了家庭的幸福自己十分节俭。
She denies any involvement in the robbery. 她否认同抢劫案有任何牵连。
She denies him to be her husband. 她否认他是她的丈夫。
She denies that CNBC's coverage these days is “encouraging people to get in and out of individual stocks” and states firmly: “I am not a fan of day trading. 她否认CNBC那段日子的报道是在“鼓励人们买进和卖出个股”,并且坚定地表示:“我并不推崇短线交易。”
She departed from her word. 她的话不可靠。
She deplored his scandalous actions. 她谴责他那令人愤慨的行为.
She deposited her money in the bank. 她把钱存在银行里。
She described him as a focused and serious teenager. 在她的印象中他是个专注严肃的年轻人。
She described the gunman as a young man wearing a short-sleeved tan shirt and black ammunition vest. 她说,作为一名年轻男子枪手身穿短袖衬衫、黑色檀弹背心.
She described the woman to the police. 她向警方描述了那个女人的外貌。
She described to me how he ran up to her and grabbed her handbag. 她向我讲述了他是怎样跑到她跟前抢走她的手提包的.

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