If it is, what kind of bonus is it?
如果这是加值,又是哪种加值? |
If it isn't gain priority in life-long educating and long-life learning,we are just talking the talk that brings the revival of Chinese peoples into reality.
如果不把终身教育和终身学习作为我们的优先考虑的事,要想实现中华民族的伟大的复兴,只能是一句空话。 |
If it isn't my old friend Bob Thomson what a coincidence!
这不是我的老朋友鲍勃·汤姆森吗--真巧哇! |
If it keeps going at this clip, it will beat both the supposedly idyllic 1950s and the 1960s.
假如继续如此高速增长,它将会超过据说完美无缺的20世纪50和60年代。 |
If it lives up to its promise, the machine will spot the first neurons that fire almost instantaneously and track where the communication links go from there.
这台磁振造影仪如果发挥它应有的效能,就能够发现几乎同时触发的首批神经元,并追踪其沟通连结从该处通往何处。 |
If it looks like the enemy has too many of these units that you cannot avoid, then that is a battle you want to leave alone.
如果看上去敌方有很多这样的利害装备部队,以至于你无法躲避,那么,不如索性豁出去。 |
If it makes the water wanton and wild, I will not row my boat by your bank.
如果我使水花飞溅,我就不在你的河边划船。 |
If it needs to, the ruling party can drum up regional support by offering devolution that does not compromise fiscal austerity.
如果社会党想对抗,执政党在不在严肃的财政政策上让步的前提下,通过下放权利以获得地方支持。 |
If it offers possibility to write processor module, you can even write a disassembler for the Virtual Machine and thus, do a full static analysis of the whole thing.
如果它提供写处理模块,你甚至可以写出虚拟机的反汇编器并分析整个静态代码。 |
If it passes all of the Pit's quality assurance tests, it will be deemed an official soul reflector and you and your monster will be one step closer to the battlecage!
如果它通过了所有的竞技场的品质测验,它将会成为官方认可的灵魂反射器,然后你和你的怪物距离战场就只有一步之遥了! |
If it pleases him he strikes a bargain with the builder for a round sum.Within three days the building commences, and in the sixth week he moves in.
如果经过讨价还价得到一个合适的价格,那么三天内房屋就会开始建造,第六周他就能搬进去了。 |