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He smacked the book angrily on the table.

He slotted in behind United's lone striker for the evening, fellow 19-year-old Fraizer Campbell, one of a number of young players given their chance to impress ahead of the new season. 他隐藏在19岁的前锋弗莱泽·坎贝尔单身后,这群小将在新赛季获得不少上场机会,也同样出彩。
He slowed down as the wind became stronger and the waves higher. 因为风大浪高,他减慢了速度。
He slowly approached the rear pew, his clothes hanging on his thin frame, hair slicked back from his ruddy and pocked-marked face. 他慢慢地向后后排座位走去,他的衣服罩着他单薄的身躯,红润而有麻点的脸庞之上,头发光滑的向后背着。
He slugged his first home run of the season against the Twins on Monday evening and has earned positive reviews from his Yankees teammates. 阿布瑞尤他在星期一晚上打出了本季的第一发全垒打且赢得洋基队员的正面肯定。
He slurred over the dead man's faults and spoke chiefly of his virtues. 他对这位死去的人的过错含糊其词,而主要言及他的美德。
He smacked the book angrily on the table. 他生气地把书啪的一声丢在桌子上。
He smacked the naughty child. 他用手掌打这个顽皮的孩子。
He smarted from the savage attacks on his film. 他因自己的影片受到猛烈攻击而感到痛心.
He smarted under their criticism. 他因他们的批评而感到痛苦难言。
He smash the vase to express his rage(wrath). 他故意打破花瓶以示愤怒。
He smashed me on the nose. 他砸了我的鼻子。

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