Restoring democracy in Latin America cost too much blood for the achievement to be lightly thrown away.
拉美民主的重建已为那不堪一击的功业付出了太多的鲜血。 |
Restoring forests to the gaps between lowland forests—such as the cattle pasture—is effective and, because of the small areas involved, relatively cheap.
以养牛场为例,在低海拔森林间的间隙重新造林,就是一种有效的办法,加上牵涉範围较小,花费也较低廉。 |
Restoring waist and abdomen, lifting buttocks, dimond shape design, double pressing on abdomen, Lace active pressing design in oultline easy mobility, multiple cutting garment, three dimensional heart buttocks cup, buttocks appearing distinctly.
修复腰腹、提高臀线,钻石型立体美观设计,腹部上下双重加压,侧采蕾丝活动加压设计,活动自如,多重多向剪裁,立体心型臀杯,呈现轮廓分明的臀型。 |
Restoring waist and abdomen, lifting buttocks, dimond shape design, double pressing on abdomen, multiple cutting garment, three dimensional heart buttocks cup, buttocks appearing distinctly.
修复腰腹、提高臀线,钻石型立体美观设计,腹部上下双重加压,多重多向剪裁,立体心型臀杯,呈现轮廓分明的臀型。 |
Restrain circulation ,get rid of toxin and improve complexion.
调气血,滋阴养颜,改善微循环,排除毒素。 |
Restrain damage of hair , eliminate hair shed ,make the hair better and easy hackle.
修护因各种原因对秀发造成的损伤,长效滋养秀发防止脱落,使秀发更易梳理,令您的秀发亮泽出众。 |
Restrain is a necessary counterpart to the winds of opposition.
其实,约束就如同控制风筝的线,是逆风的配对物。 |
Restrain rheumatism ,helpful for improve pain of articulation when cloudy and rain day. Improve rheumatism and accelerate circulation.
有效调理风湿等症状;镇定变天时的关节骨头酸痛;改善风湿、腰椎、脊椎、坐骨神经、促进末梢循环。 |
Restrain rheumatism and arthritis, helpful for improve pain of articulation when cloudy and rain day and adjust osseous swell.
有效调理风湿、关节炎等症状;镇定变天时的关节骨头酸痛;改善风湿、腰椎、脊椎、坐骨神经,调理缓解骨质增生、骨刺的问题。 |
Restrain the sensitive skin and resist dilation of weeny vein.
调理敏感肌肤,抑制微细管扩张,安抚、缓和。 |
Restrain tired ,improve memory and pain on haunch.
改善疲劳、记忆力减退、手脚法凉、腰腿酸痛等肾亏的症状。 |