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But what makes you feel so dull?”

But what kind of products they will make with annoyed mood and illness? 企业的可持续发展,人才是关键。
But what made the news of his death so acutely disorienting was the fact that, on some level, so many of us thought that, eventually - albeit a few years behind schedule - he might actually do it. 但是他逝世的消息让人深感迷惑的是,在某种程度上,似我等大部分人认为,---虽然比预期的晚了一些年---最后他可能可以挺过去。
But what makes a good impression? 但是怎样才能产生好印象呢?
But what makes headlines? The salary increases, or the four billion dollar judgment we got for our clients last week. Money talks. 但标题是什么?薪水不断增加,我们从客户手中挣到了四十亿美元。钱会说话的。
But what makes them fetching for us is the fact that there are so many conflicts between conflicts—the basic conflict between the Gorillas and the Germans, the conflict between the Gorillas and Garrison, and the conflicts among the Gorillas themselves (th 不过让它们如此吸引我们的事实是,故事里有那么多套着其他冲突的冲突——敢死队员们和德国人之间的基本冲突,敢死队员们和加里森之间的冲突,以及敢死队员们相互之间的冲突(他们互相斗殴的次数几乎和他们打德国人的次数一样多)。
But what makes you feel so dull?” 你觉得很平淡,但最令人?
But what of that meaty lineup? What of this vaunted ballpark? What of the butterflies and the drama and the postseason emotion Robertson is thrusting himself into? 但将会遇到多坚强的打线?什麽样的球场?这位蝴蝶球投手会如何处理他季后赛的情绪呢?
But what of the fabled apocalypse which, according to the Egyptians, swallowed Keftiu-Atlantis in one day and one night? 依照埃及传说,克弗悌乌-亚特兰蒂斯在一日一夜之间被吞没,但是寓言中的天启是什么?
But what of the negative aspects of pride? 但是,骄傲又会带来怎样的负面影响?
But what really happens is a change in the viewer. 不过其实是观察者自身发生了变化。
But what really helped me to come off at that time was, I believe, to view the history of philosophy as a screwing process or, what amounts to the same thing, an immaculate conception. 但是当时真正帮助我成功的,我相信是把哲学历史当著转螺丝的过程,或者说得更贴切些,是澄清观念。

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