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Alvar Aalto's 1930 armchair, at right, is made of birch plywood and solid birch.

Aluminum-adrum tupe steel blind rivets. 超级长度轴不锈钢窗帘铆钉。
Aluminum-framed arc doors inlay coffee acrylic sheet by consummate craft. 弧形铝框门镶嵌咖啡色亚克力,工艺精湛。
Aluminum-magnesium alloy board production. 铝镁合金多年手板制作。
Alumni Relations cultivates the former participants of TRF programs to build programs, mentor, and serve. 前受奖人关系计划的目的在于培养过去曾参与扶轮基金会计划的人才,以储备计划、顾问及服务。
Alva told police that he is thrilled that the recovered headdress will soon be returned to Peru. 艾娃告诉警察,他很高兴得知这件头饰将被归还秘鲁。
Alvar Aalto's 1930 armchair, at right, is made of birch plywood and solid birch. 阿尔瓦·阿尔托1930年创作的这把由白桦木制成的扶手椅(右)便是如此。
Alvaro Recoba plays a pin-point pass to van der Meyde wide on the wing. The Dutchman mis-kicks his cross and Atalanta win a goal kick. 雷科巴精确地将球分给了边路的安迪,但荷兰人没有接应到,亚特兰大门球。
Alveoli may rupture causing the air into the cerebral circulation. 空气进血液后会进入到小的动脉和脑部的微小血管,造成血流受阻。
Alves's agent Jose Rodriguez Baster has now insisted that they want Sevilla to accept Chelsea's bid. 阿尔维斯的经纪人何塞-罗德里格斯坚持要求塞维利亚接受切尔西的报价。
Alvin Toffler says in Power Shift, Because such knowledge including art, science, moral values, information (and misinformation) now provides the key raw material for wealth creation, today's power struggles reach deep into our minds, psyches and personal 而参与「国际学校网界博览会」的学生们,即将学习到:身为全球及地方社区的一员,所应扮演的角色;并代表各自乡土社区的大使,在地方人物领袖、地方社团与族群、地方企业与组织……等类别中,选定一个主题向全世界观众介绍本乡本土的特别之处。
Alwanys keep in mind that you are loved by many people. 时刻记住:你 受人关爱的。

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