Petunia Dersley: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!
佩妮·德思礼:我希望今天一些都顺利,这可是我们达力的大日子! |
Petunia Dersley: Cook breakfast. And try not to burn anything.
佩妮·德思礼:快去煮早餐,不准烧焦东西。 |
Petunia Dersley: Here he comes. The birthday boy!
佩妮·德思礼:噢,我们的小寿星来了。 |
Petunia Dersley:Up. Get up. Now!
佩妮·德思礼:起床!起床了!快呀! |
Petunia still has some mystery to reveal.
关于佩妮仍然有些未解之迷。 |
Petya's death had torn from her half her life.
彼佳的死亡夺去了她一半的生命。 |
Peumatic element and main air cylinder are importation and Yadeke.
气动元件及主要动作气缸为进口和亚得克。 |
Pew !
呦!表示味道难闻. |
Pew knows how to use whirlpools which make the journey much shorter.
瘸腿保懂得如何利用漩涡大大缩短旅途时间。 |
Pewter articles considered as a group.
锡镴器皿被认为白镴制品的总称 |
Peyton Fahrquhar was a well to do planter, of an old and highly respected Alabama family.
佩顿·法克尔是个优秀的种植园主,他来自一个古老的阿拉巴马显赫家族。 |