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John McClane: [laughs] It's a basement!

John Mauldin and/or the staff at Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC may or may not have investments in any funds cited above. 在以上所提到的任何基金当中,约翰墨登及其在千嬉波顾问有限公司的员工可能有也可能没有投资利益。
John Mauldin is president of Millennium Wave Advisors, LLC, a registered investment advisor. 约翰墨登是注册投资顾问千嬉波顾问有限公司的主席。
John Maynard Keynes is the pioneer in Western macroeconomics, recognized one of the most creative and most influential well-known economists in the 20th century, academic lord whom triggered a revolution in the economic sphere, and the founder of Keynesia 摘要约翰?梅纳德?凯恩斯是西方近代宏观经济学的开创者,是公认的20世纪最具创造性和最有影响力的著名经济学家、在经济学领域引发革命的学术泰斗、凯恩斯主义的创始人。
John McCain has already lost his sense of inevitability on the Republican side; now the same thing seems to be happening to Mrs Clinton. 但该战术这一次反而不灵了,约翰麦凯恩已经在共和党内失去了唯我独尊的优势,希拉里很可能步其后尘。
John McClane: You sound like a very scary guy. 约翰·迈克莱恩:听起来很恐怖。
John McClane: [laughs] It's a basement! 约翰·迈克莱恩(嘲笑):这只是一间地下室!
John McClane: [mercenaries attack John and Matt] Jesus, is the circus in town? 约翰·迈克莱恩(受到雇佣兵的袭击):上帝,这是马戏团?
John McClane:Yeah, I'm still here. Unle you wa a open the front door for me. 麦克莱恩:对,我还在这。除非你愿意给我开门。
John McClane:Yeah, I'm still here. Unless you wanna open the front door for me. 麦克莱恩:对,我还在这。除非你愿意给我开门。
John McEnroe and Stefan Edberg had their razor-sharp concentration disturbed in the 1989 semi-final by two sparrows swooping in low. 1989年,约翰·麦肯罗和史蒂芬·埃德博格正全神贯注的打半决赛时,被两只突然入侵的麻雀打断。
John Mikel Obi has been selected in Nigeria's squad for their final Cup of Nations qualifier, at home to Lesotho on Saturday. 米克尔将代表尼日利亚国家队为参加非洲杯的资格而努力,首先将在周六迎战莱索托队。

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