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The link shall be clearly visible.

The link and explosion transmission of non-electric detonator network were analyzed and the cause of misfire during underwater reef blasting with the network was found out. 摘要分析了非电导爆管起爆网络的连接和传爆过程,找出了采用该起爆网络进行水下炸礁时,炮孔装药产生拒爆的原因。
The link between nonrespiratory infections and asthma may hae been at least partially because of misdiagnosed atopic dermatitis, which is a major risk factor for the deelopment of asthma, the researchers noted. 非呼吸系统感染与哮喘的发生至少是部分相关,因为一些病人被误诊为遗传性过敏性皮炎,而这正是哮喘发生的一个主要危险因子,研究者们解释说。
The link editor does not extract archive members to resolve undefined weak symbols. 但链接器不会为了解析一个未定义的弱符号去提取存档库成员。
The link is tested to determine whether the link quality is good enough to bring up network layer protocols. 测试连结以判断是否该连结品质是好的,可以进入网路层协定阶段。
The link is through the earth's electric field. 月亮和日间价格波动之间存在什么样的纽带?
The link shall be clearly visible. 链接应清晰可见。
The link should be formed steel plate, plate edge, no burr hole; A joint warping, used to be calibrated to prevent injury and friction, the friction surface to ensure close. 连接处的钢板或型钢应平整,板边、孔边无毛刺;接头处有翘曲、变形必须进行校正,并防止损伤摩擦面,保证摩擦面紧贴。
The link to China has set off concerns among critics of the Food and Drug Administration that ingredients in pet food as well as human food, which are increasingly coming from abroad, are not being adequately screened. 美国食品和药品管理局对关于中国的这起事件表示担忧,批评家认为人类食用的食品与宠物食品的配方是一样的,而且目前正以增长态势从国外进口至美国,但这些产品并没有得到严格的筛选和检验。
The linkage of direet acting isolation clearance and vacuum rac exting uishing chamber is adopted. It has the unction of hand operation and clectric operation. 采用直动式隔离断口和真空灭弧室联动。具有手动电动功能。
The linker is thus run after all of the source files have been compiled or assembled. 连接程序在所有的源文件都被编译或汇编之后运行。
The linking piece bar is in the upper right side of the main display, and is below the setting changeover zone. 压板状态条位于主界面的右上方,在定值切换区的下方。

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