The LCD took a shower card to avoid tradition thermometer easy result in of the glass be broken up with water argyria endanger, have safety the practical advantage of the environmental protection, science, have test infant to take a shower in the meantime
本公司是专业生各类液晶洗澡卡的厂家,月生产能力可达100万张,此卡避免了传统温度计易造成的玻璃破碎和水银中毒危害,具有安全环保、科学实用的优点,同时具有测试婴儿洗澡水的温度的功能,同时具有玩具的功能,欢迎广大客户来定购。 |
The LCDM dust filter integrates the main pipe structure (for either inlet or outlet) and advanced diversion technology, therefore it can handle the gas with high dust content.
LCDM型长袋低压离线脉冲袋式除尘器利用进、出口总管结构及先进的导流技术,因此除尘器不仅能处理一般含尘浓度的气体,而且能处理高含尘浓度的气体。 |
The LCID property sets or returns an integer that specifies a location or region. Contents like date, time, and currency will be displayed according to that location or region.
LCID属性的作用是设置或者返回一个用来指定本地或者某个区域性质的整数。比如某个地区的相关日期、时间以及货币。 |
The LCOS formula and TSE fire control formula for air to air gunshot have been compared by dynamic digital simulation.
通过动态数字仿真比较了前置计算光学瞄准和使用目标状态估值器两种空空射击的火控算法。 |
The LCP sits on top of the physical layer and is used to establish, configure, and test the data-link connection.
连结控制协定在实体层的上面,被用于建立、组态与测试资料连结的连线。 |
The LDP presidential election was made necessary when Shinzo Abe abruptly announced his resignation on Sept. 12.
因为安倍晋三于9月12日突然宣布辞职,所以才有了这次自民党总裁选举。 |
The LED diaplay screen is applied in every trades extensively, such as finance, tax administration, electric power, transportation, telecommunication, the medical treatment and sanitation system ,government agency, stadiums and the mineral enterprises,etc
LED显示广泛应用于金融、税务、电力、交通、电信、医疗卫生系统及政府机关、体育场馆、工矿企业等各行各业。 |
The LED indicator will now be OFF.
这时指示灯熄灭。 |
The LED indicator will now be flashing RED.
这时系统的指示灯变成红色闪亮状态。 |
The LEGO space team will be able to fly around on the playing field.
乐高太空队可以在运动场上到处飞。 |
The LFL youth group is a great program and I hope, with all my heart, that you will attend and let Jesus into your heart.
珍爱一生的青年组节目真好!我由衷地希望你来参加今年的营会,让耶稣进入你心。 |