Formulating a precise definition of spam is exceedingly difficult, but, like pornography, we certainly know it when we see it flooding our mailboxes.
不过就像色情图片一样,当我们看到垃圾为患的信箱时,肯定知道什麽叫做垃圾邮件。 |
Formulating the strategy of unified planning and rational distribution for the project, model first, breakthroughs in key and Scientific management , The Group strongly proceeds the comprehensive management and development of coal bed methane(coal gas), a
集团以“统一规划、合理布局、示范先行、重点突破、科学管理”为战略方针,扎实推进煤矿瓦斯(煤层天然气)综合治理及开发利用,变害为宝,保护环境,造福后人的千秋伟业,开创新能源产业的新领域。 |
Formulation of production schedule plans in accordance with customers' orders and production capacity.
根据客户订单、工厂产能制定生产排程计划。 |
Formulation of regulations on the development of medium-sized and small enterprises will be speeded up and regulations and supporting organizations for the non-public sector improved.
将加速对中小型企业的系统化管理,完善对非公有制经济的管理和支持体制。 |
Fornication and wine And new wine take away their heart.
11淫乱和酒并新酒,夺去他们的心。 |
Forprofit service companies build a 50% gross profit margin into their pricing strategies in order to have a 3-5% net profit margin at the end of the year—their definition of success.
营利服务公司的定价策略把毛赢利率定为50%以便在年底时获得3-5%的净赢利率——这是他们对成功的定义。 |
Forrest (Offscreen Voice): Momma always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them.
福勒斯特(画外音):妈妈总有办法让我明白事理。 |
Forrest (Offscreen Voice): She had got the cancer, and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.
福勒斯特(画外音):她得了癌症,星期二她走了。我给她买了顶缀着小花的帽子。 |
Forrest Gump is the sort of film that leaves you feeling good but also prompts you to wonder about the true meaning of life.
《阿甘正传》是一部让你感觉很好的电影,一部能够激起你对生命意义思考的电影。 |
Forrest Gump was an adorable piece of cinema.
《阿甘正传》是一部让人推崇的影片。 |
Forrest Gump: (Voice-over) She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.
阿甘:(画外音)她得了癌症,在星期二去世了。我给她买了顶缀满小花的新帽子。 |