The remaining recoverable reserves are a material base for future development of oil and gas fields, and the reserve-production ratio is a specific index to analyze and judge future development trends of oil and gas fields.
摘要剩馀可采储量是油气田未来开发的物质基础,储采比是分析和判断油气田未来开发形势的特殊指标。 |
The remaining recoverable reserves should be as a material base for it in future.
目前,对于水驱开发的油田,预测可采储量的方法有:水驱曲线法、产量递减法、预测模型法和数值模拟法。 |
The remaining spots (not complete at time of this year's entry date) will be entered in next year's competition.
其馀的短片(至比赛截止前尚在制作中)将参加下一年的比赛。 |
The remaining stock of bad loans is now around $250 billion, according to UBS.
根据UBS统计,剩下的不良贷款大约为2500亿美元。 |
The remaining three patients underwent operations within 4–20 days after CT examinations because at first they were making good progress with conservative treatment by means of nasogastric or long intestinal tube decompression, but their symptoms became a
其余的3例病人在CT检查4—20天后才进行手术,是由于起初经鼻胃管或肠管减压保守治疗效果较好,但后来症状渐渐恶化。 |
The remains are then wrapped in a new shroud and reburied.
然后,尸骨会用新麻布包起来重新埋葬。 |
The remains in Shiling town of Huadu region of Guangzhou that were set up by the original ethnics-people of Yue, the ancestors of Zhuang &Dong ethnics, as well as those in the upper and central reaches of the Zhujiang river belonged to the same kind of cu
广州市花都区狮岭镇的盘古文化遗存,是历史上生活在珠江流域的原住民族-壮侗语民族先民越人所开创,与珠江中上游的盘古文化同属于一种文化体系;汉族迁入该地区后,接受和吸收了原住民族创造的盘古文化,使之得以世代传承下来。 |
The remains of a former abbot rest in a special box held by Father Macarius.
马加利尤教父将前任修道院院长的尸骸放在一个特殊的盒子里。 |
The remains of soldiers are buried in a national cemetery.
军人的遗体被葬在国家公墓。 |
The remains of the Crusader town, dating from 1104 to 1291, lie almost intact, both above and below today's street level, providing an exceptional picture of the layout and structures of the capital of the medieval Crusader kingdom of Jerusalem.
城市中十字军的遗址可以追溯到1104到1291年,保留完好,生动再现了中世纪耶路撒冷十字军王国的城市规划和城市结构。 |
The remains of the Warrior, one of the 18,166 New Zealand casualties of World War I, were exhumed on 10 October 2004 from the Caterpillar Valley Cemetery, near where the New Zealand Division fought in 1916.
18,166名在一战中献身的战士中的一位战士的遗体被保存于些,其发掘地点位于新西兰师团于1916年作战地区附近的毛虫谷公墓,时间为2004年的10月10日。 |