Level 3 - 35% of the time, the Rifleman deals 40 bonus damage and stuns for .2 seconds.
三级-35%的几率爆头,造成40点额外的伤害。晕眩0.2秒。 |
Level 3 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 225 damage to land units in a line.
三级-英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成225点的伤害。 |
Level 3 - Accelerates towards an enemy unit at a fast rate. Reaching the target results in a 2 second immobilizing stun.
三级-较快地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成2秒的晕眩。 |
Level 3 - Activate Sprint to gain 30% movement speed, but take 20% bonus damage.
三级-通过冲刺提升30%的移动速度,不过在被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害。 |
Level 3 - Bash has a 10% chance to deal 25 bonus damage and stun for 2 seconds.
三级-10%的几率造成额外的25点的伤害,晕眩2秒。 |
Level 3 - Calls upon the aid of a Greater Hawk (invisibility) and a Quilbeast (has 20% speed reduction poison attack). 80 second duration.
三级-召唤一只高等猫头鹰哨兵和一只豪猪。高等猫头鹰哨兵具有永久隐身能力,豪猪的毒性攻击降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度。 |
Level 3 - Decreases the armor of enemies in the area by 3.
三级-减少附近550范围内的敌方单位3点的护甲。 |
Level 3 - Progenerates a revenant from a corpse. Has 800 hit points and deals 49 damage. Spell Immune.
三级-从尸体中复活出怨灵,拥有800点的生命,49点的攻击力,飞行单位,魔法免疫。 |
Level 3 - Raises a Watcher from a corpse. Watchers are invisible (do not have True Sight). Maximum of 3 Watcher.
三级-从尸体中召唤出一个隐形的鬼魂来帮助侦查,没有真视能力,上限3个。 |
Level 3 - Sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 45% of its hit points to your mana.
三级-牺牲一个友方士兵,将他45%的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。 |
Level 3 - Slams the ground, dealing 100 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 2 seconds. Afterwards the attack and movement speeds are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
三级-造成100点的伤害,晕眩2秒。之后,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续2秒。 |