We have now resolved the problem, requesting to continue to HKG.
我们现已排除故障,请求继续飞到香港。 |
We have now started the last leg of our journey and are cruising at an altitude of 11,000 meters.
现在,我们已经开始我们本次航班的最后一段航程,飞机正在11000米的高空进行巡航飞行。 |
We have oatmeal and toast for breakfast.
我们早点吃麦片和面包片。 |
We have observed slightly older infants who, when lying on their backs on the floor, crane their necks around 180 degrees to catch what light through yonder window breaks.
我们也观察到,稍微大一点的婴儿仰卧在地板上时,会伸著脖子,转头180度,寻找从窗户透进的阳光。 |
We have observed the following characteristics of anatomical structure and development: (1) The primary roots belong to archetype and the lateral roots occur in the position toward the xylem of the vascular cylinder; (2) The root endodermis consists of th
结果表明:气生不定根具有以下结构特征和发育特点:(1)根为二原型,侧根正对着木质部发生;(2)幼根内皮层细胞具凯氏带加厚,维管柱内紧挨中柱鞘内侧具有2~4层大型薄壁细胞;(2)根中无髓和树脂道;(4)次生结构发生于根毛区,维管形成层由初生木质部和初生韧皮部之间的薄壁细胞转化形成;(5)中柱鞘和栓内层细胞富含单宁类物质;(6)次生韧皮部有石细胞,次生木质部射线发达。 |
We have occupied our position in advertisement line, wooden engraving line, metal mould line.
在广告业、木工雕刻行业、金属模具行业中占有一席之地。 |
We have ocean freight ex and to China in full containers and less than container loads (FCL and LCL).
因为当我们在捷克共和国会面的时候,你展示了自己的产品,我希望你有需要从中国运抵我们国家的货,我非常乐意向你提供我们的服务。 |
We have offered our service for CCTV ‘The Same Song ‘ Concert, and other activities.
我公司曾参与中央电视台“同一首歌”演唱会等文化体育活动接待用车。 |
We have offices in Beijing and Guangzhou.
公司在北京和广州均设有办事处。 |
We have offices in New York, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Prague, Skopje, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
克米森总部在纽约,在华盛顿、亚特兰大,布拉格,斯科普里、香港和上海都设有办事处。 |
We have officially entered the year 2007.
我们正式踏入了2007年。 |