The Teck bid is conditional on Inco abandoning the deal with Falconbridge.
特克-科明科公司收购的条件是,国际镍业公司放弃与鹰桥的交易。 |
The Telegraph and Times new apers report today (Thursday) that Corporal Daniel James, an interpreter for General David Richards in Afghanistan, was charged in a London court on Wednesday.
每日电讯报和泰晤士报星期四报导说,在阿富汗的理查兹将军的翻译丹尼尔.詹姆斯下士星期三在伦敦一家法庭被起诉。 |
The Telegraph and Times newspapers report today (Thursday) that Corporal Daniel James, an interpreter for General David Richards in Afghanistan, was charged in a London court on Wednesday.
每日电讯报和泰晤士报星期四报导说,在阿富汗的理查兹将军的翻译丹尼尔.詹姆斯下士星期三在伦敦一家法庭被起诉。 |
The Teleportation descriptor adorns many powers of the Psychoportation discipline. The descriptor reveals that at its heart the Psychoportation discipline requires a succinct, gut-level understanding of the structure of reality.
心灵传送系的许多异能都有“传送”的性质描述。该性质描述符说明了心灵传送系的核心是对客观世界有深入浅出的理解。 |
The Telharmonium worked by adding together the sounds from dozens of electro-mechanical tone generators to form complex tones.
它通过将电子机械声音发生器产生的声音相加以形成复杂的音色来演奏。 |
The Tempest was William Shakespeare's swan song in 1612.
《暴风雨》是威廉·莎士比亚于1612年的绝笔之作。 |
The Templar Knights, recognisable by their white mantle with distinct red cross, are for David the symbols of him and the England team.
这些骑士身披带有明显红十字的白斗篷,对小贝来说代表他自己和他的英格兰团队。 |
The Temple also includes prophecies and predictions for our time leading to the year 2012.
该庙宇还包含着我们这个时代走向2012年的预言和预示。 |
The Temple of Kandariya is decorated with a profusion of sculptures that are among the greatest masterpieces of Indian art.
著名的坎达里亚寺庙饰有大量内容丰富、绚丽多姿的雕塑,是印度艺术中的经典之作。 |
The Ten Commandments don't say anything against Fishing.
十戒里没有一条是反对钓鱼的。 |
The Ten Need are: keeping the buttocks down, wrapping the crotch, shrinking the abdomen, dropping hips, extending the chest, making the back round, emptying armpits, and straightening the neck.
太极拳的基本功十分重要,手脚结合上下相随,基本功为:从下往上,脚(脚趾)踝、膝、胯、肘、腰、肩、腕、手和手指完全放松,且节节贯串,这是九松。 |