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Molly is top dog -- and cat -- when it comes to Britons' favourite name for their pet.

Molly Weasley doesn't like him smoking the pipe in the kitchen (OP5). 莫丽?韦斯莱对他在厨房里抽烟很反感(凤凰社第五章)。
Molly Weasley is clearly a mother figure for Harry. 对于哈利来说莫丽·韦斯莱就是一位母亲。
Molly Weasley recalls the night when she and Arthur were caught out of their common room taking a moonlight stroll; she escaped capture, but Arthur was caught and punished by the caretaker, Apollyon Pringle, and still has the marks[/COLOR] (GF31). 莫莉·韦斯莱回忆起有一天晚上她和亚瑟在公共休息室外的月光下散步时被发现了,她顺利逃脱,而亚瑟被当时的舍监阿波里昂·普林格抓住了,并且“他身上现在还带着印记呢”([/COLOR]火焰杯,第31章)。
Molly is a very capable witch in her own right. 莫丽是一个非常有能力,赋予正义感的的女巫。
Molly is clearly a force to be reckoned with, not only for the errant Daily Prophet reporter who wants a good story about the reports of a flying car (she tells them to clear off or she'll set the family ghoul on them), or for her sons, who cower before h 莫丽非常强势,不只是对预言家日报的记者,人家只是想报道一个关于飞翔的汽车的好故事(她让他们走开,否则她会送个食尸鬼给人家),亦或是对她的儿子们,即使他们都比她高,但是当她发脾气的时候,他们总是很畏惧,还有就是对那些期待伏地魔东山再起的人。
Molly is top dog -- and cat -- when it comes to Britons' favourite name for their pet. 英国人最爱用“莫莉”给自己的宠物猫和宠物狗起名。
Molly left the room.Nobody moved. 莫利离开了房间,大家都没动。
Molly looks strange in her sister's big jacket because she is too skinny. 莫莉穿她姐姐的大外套看起来很奇怪,因为她太瘦了。
Molly: (Molly calls the police) Between Green and Mercer on Prince. 莫莉:(她在报警)……在普林斯的格林与玛瑟之间,邮局正对面的灰色大楼。
Molly: A barfly is someone who goes to one bar almost every night. 莫莉:“吧虫”就是几乎每天晚上都去酒吧的人。
Molly: Are you a barfly? 莫莉:那你是个“吧虫”吗?

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