CKI's businesses span Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, UK, Canada and the Philippines. |
中文意思: 长江基建的业务遍布香港、中国内地、澳洲、英国、加拿大与菲律宾。 |
CJ. What's up, homie? Hey - my shit is so tight right now, it's about to bust!
好啊?嘿,我现在工作很忙,都快要让我崩溃了。 |
CJG: I am the large third line.
陈家刚:我是在大三线。 |
CJG: No, their boss is a friend of mine.
陈家刚:没有,他们的老板是我的朋友。 |
CJG: That is a mineral bath.
陈家刚:那是一个洗矿池。 |
CJG: This theme took about three years.
陈家刚:这个题材大概三年吧。 |
CKI's businesses span Hong Kong, Mainland China, Australia, UK, Canada and the Philippines.
长江基建的业务遍布香港、中国内地、澳洲、英国、加拿大与菲律宾。 |
CL 11th;Craft Construct(see page 206),crushing despair,limited wish,planar binding,polymorph any object,caster must be evil and at least 11th level;Price 40,000 gp;Cost 25,000 gp +1,200 XP.
施法者等级11;制造构装体(见206页),绝望术,有限祈愿术,异界誓缚,变形万物,施法者必须为邪恶且到达11级;价格40,000金币;耗费25,000金币+1,200XP。 |
CL is long competition, and bullets shouldn't be shot all at once.
冠军联赛是一项长时间的比赛,子弹不应该一次射光。 |
CL: And why is there an occupation?
肤色线:那为什么会有占领这回事? |
CL: Are Palestinians within Israel participating in the current uprising?
肤色线:以色列境内的巴勒斯坦人有参加这一次的起义吗? |
CL: You are painting a picture of an Israeli government, with the support of a substantial part of its Jewish population, which aims toward permanent subordination of Palestinian Arabs within its borders, along with domination over something that might be
肤色线:你所绘画的以色列政府,由相当一部份的犹太人口支持,试图达到永久性地奴役在境内的巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人和控制一个或者可以称为巴勒斯坦国但实际上是一个依赖性的班图斯坦. |