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Honest, well-meaning, understanding, having capability and responsibility.

Honest, can work under pressure. 诚实,能承受压力工作。
Honest, devotion, fairness and responsible. 忠厚、老实、作风正派,工作认真负责。
Honest, kindhearted, well-educated, considerate, passionate, responsible, strong-minded, have common tastes, interests, hobbies and topics with me, and pay more attention to affective communication and harmonious, tacit, passionate, warm and happy family 希望他诚实,善良,重感情,有修养,有责任心,有毅力,内敛而不张扬,有共同的兴趣爱好和话题,重视情感交流和精神生活,懂得品味人生。
Honest, prudent, mature, self-motivated and obtain strong analytical skills. 诚实,谨慎,成熟,进取及具备较强的分析技能。
Honest, respect and go along well with others. 诚实正直,尊重他人,与他人良好沟通。
Honest, well-meaning, understanding, having capability and responsibility. 真挚,诚实,善解人意,有能力和责任感.
Honestly I know of nothing else that's this good for slithering about the smoke pouring off the back end. 说实话,它是我见过的最适合利用后轮的滑动来拉出烟雾的车。
Honestly, I didn't think I could re-feel what I was feeling during that time, but it really made me nervous to relive that game. 老实说,我现在的感觉和当时的感觉已经不一样,但让我重新想起那场比赛我还是比较紧张。
Honestly, I do like our bible study... it's not that serious, but make us gian, grow and LOL. 老实说,我真喜欢我们的查经班...它不严肃,但使我们成长茁壮,还开怀大笑.
Honestly, I feel like a new born baby. Ive got no hair, no teeth, and I just wet myself. “真实感受?我感觉我是一个初生的小孩啊。我的头发没有了,牙齿也没有了。现在,我又尿湿了裤子!”
Honestly, do you really need so many variables? 坦白地说,你真的需要这么多动态页面吗?

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