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Far from a pitchers duel, this years game was won bytheAllianceTimes-Herald Dragons, which beat the WESTCO Knights, byascore of120 to 114.

Far better for Ottawa to consult with the provinces where their interests are affected and to represent their concerns as Canada's. 最好的办法是,渥太华先与各省协商涉及到各省利益的问题,然后由渥太华全权代表各省来与国际组织商谈。
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defe 向强有力的事物挑战,去夺取辉煌的胜利,即使遭受挫折也比苟且偷安强得多,因为得过且过的人生活在暗淡的暮光之中,既体验不到胜利的欢乐,也尝受不到失败的痛苦。
Far better to write off what will never be paid. 把那些永远不能得以偿还的债务一笔勾销是好得多的一种壮举。
Far better, he said, to direct the profits toward a great educative institution that lasts for all time. 他还说,将利润投资于能长期存在的重要的教育机构将有意义得多。
Far fowls have fair feathers. 远方的鸟羽毛美。/弄不到手的东西是最好的。
Far from a pitchers duel, this years game was won bytheAllianceTimes-Herald Dragons, which beat the WESTCO Knights, byascore of120 to 114. 在今年的比赛中,阿莱恩斯时代先驱龙队最终以120:114击败了WESTCO骑士队。
Far from accepting my advice, he went back on me. 他非但不接受我的劝告,反而背叛了我。
Far from admiring his paintings, I dislike them intensely. 我不但不钦佩反而十分讨厌他的画。
Far from an austere backwater, the intergalactic medium (IGM) is turning out to be the central staging area for cosmic evolution. 星系际介质(IGM)完全不是死水一潭,它正跃居宇宙演化的中心舞台。
Far from being a loyal client, Myanmar plays China off against India and its fellow members of ASEAN. 缅甸根本就不是个忠厚老实的客户,这个国家一直把中国作为对付印度和东盟其他成员的棋子。
Far from being a retrograde step, Robson believes Henry's absence can rejuvenate Arsenal's young squad and help them grow as a team. 如果你关注阿森纳最近两个赛季的比赛你会发觉亨利已经不是3、4年前的那个亨利了。

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