All the outrage and marches simply made Christians look bigoted and silly, and brought a tedious film much publicity.
义愤填膺也好,示威游行也罢,到头来基督教徒反而给人一种顽固愚昧的印象,并且促使一部原本单调乏味的电影名声大作。 |
All the pain inside amplified.
我内心的痛苦受到放大。 |
All the papers will allow you to reflect on the themes outlined in the course description and to engage intensively with authors we cannot hope to coverin a few hours of class discussion.
所有的研究报告都是为了要让你思考在课程描述中提出的几个主题,同时也让你对某些作家有更深入的认识;毕竟在短短的几个小时的课堂上,是不可能涵盖所有的主题与作家的。 |
All the participants aged under 18 who take part in the above event are enrolled with the consent of their parents/ guardians or persons authorized by their parents/ guardians.
所有十八岁以下的参加者已获家长/监护人同意或已获家长/监护人的授权人同意参加上述活动. |
All the participants do not contract any illnesses that render him/her unsuitable to participate in the above event(s).
各参加者并无患上任何疾病令其不宜参加上述活动. |
All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.
所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言. |
All the participator will have the chance get Focus 1:18 Model car, for the participator who have drive license will have the chance to get an Europe Tour of 9 Countries in 15 days, ask your friends to take part in it NOW!
所有的参与者将有机会获得福特福克斯1:18车模;对于有驾照的参与者更有机会获得两人双飞9国15日欧洲游,请通知你的朋友赶快参加吧! |
All the participators of Shandong Carter Heavy Industry Co. Ltd worked closely with several agents from Germany and France, getting a fruitful success.
本次山东卡特重工有限公司全体参展人员与德国,法国数家代理商全程携手,通力合作,取得了丰硕的参展成果。 |
All the parts except the hull structure, such as pipes, derricks, masts, rigging, main engines, machinery, electrical cables, and accommodation services etc.
除了船壳结构件外所有的部件,像管子,(甲板)起重机,桅杆,索具,主机,机械设备,电缆和居住舱室的装饰。 |
All the parts of the building are in perfect balance.
建筑物的各部分都显得非常匀称 |
All the parts were machined to the specification.
所有部件都按照规格予以加工的。 |