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This rich food is bad for your digestion.

This revival of nationalist research attracted people's attention to Chinese paintings, resulting from which were the rebirth of literati paintings and the establishment of research institutions and organizations of national paintings, fostering an overwh 这股复兴思潮促使国画再度受人关注,文人画重新崛起,国画研究机构与组织大量出现,对中国本位文化、民族性、民族精神、传统绘画本质特性、中西比较、民族形式诸问题的学术探讨蔚然成风。
This revolves in a circular stone channel, into which an attendant feeds linseed. 译文:石滚沿着一个环形石槽作圆周运动,石槽旁边有一人专门负责往槽里装亚麻籽。
This ribbon, 86 must not get wet , will 87 you 88 the electricity. 这条丝带不能弄湿,可以防止你触电。
This rice dish can be prepared with a variety of ingredients, including meat and seafood. 大米饭拌有各种美食配料,包括肉类和海鲜。
This rich food doesn't digest easily. 这种油腻的食物不易消化。
This rich food is bad for your digestion. 油腻的食物对你的消化不好。
This rich man had an old maid servant who looked after most of the needs of his household. 这位富人有一位老女仆,她负责处理这位富人的大部份家务事。
This rich variety of genes,species,and biological communities gives us food,wood,fibers,energy,raw materials,industrial chemicals,and medicines-all of which pour hundreds of billions of dollors into the world economy each year. 这些多种多样的基因、物种和生物群落为我们提供了食物、木材、纤维、能源、原材料、化工品和药物,这每年给世界经济注入成百上千亿美圆。
This rich, flexible multi strand bangle measures 7 inches in length, and slightly over 1/2 inch in width (at the widest point) and weighs (on average) 25 grams. 这个丰富,柔韧的多圈式手镯有7英寸长,1/2英寸宽(最宽的)重25克(平均)。
This ride gets smoother when the car gets up to speed. 车加速时,乘坐的感觉会变得更平稳。
This ride provides a rotation movement. As the ride starts, the gondola rocks back and fourth then under gravity, rotates 360 degree. 这一游乐设施做的是旋转运动。随着游乐设施的启动,吊臂便前后摇摆起来,随后在地心引力作用下,回旋360度。

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