She holds that nowadays the world composed of photograph directly proves the thought shown by Palto's hole analogy: man lives in the images of the world.
她认为当今由照片所组成的世界直接指证了柏拉图“洞穴喻”所表达的思想:人们生活在世界的影像之中。 |
She holds the world record for long distance swimming.
她保持着长距离游泳的世界纪录。 |
She holed out from forty yards.
她从四十码远的地方把球打入洞中. |
She honked the horn of the car.
她把汽车喇叭按得嘟嘟响。 |
She hoped that the entrepreneurs and the people who are devoted to the China-US friendship could look at the whole picture, look into the future and join hands in writing a more beautiful chapter of China-US economic and trade relations.
她希望中美两国企业家和所有热心中美友好的有识之士,能够立足全局、放眼未来,携手并肩,共同谱写中美经贸关系更加美好的篇章。 |
She hoped they were alumnae cars.
她希望那些车是她的女校友的。 |
She hoped to witness universal suffrage during her lifetime.
她希望在有生之年看见普选落实的一天。 |
She hopes reuniting with her family.
她希望与家人团聚。 |
She hopes that HRL staffers can eventually identify a “Goldilocks” compound with sufficient adsorption capacity that will release hydrogen at 150 degrees C or even lower.
她希望HRL的工作人员最后可以找出一个最适合的化合物,具有足够的吸收能力,把释放出氢气的温度降到150℃,甚至更低。 |
She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service.
她希望获得一份公职. |
She hopes to visit Wuhu some day.
她希望有一天能访问芜湖。 |