Economic (and political) models are specific to particular constellations of institutional constraints that vary radically both through time and cross-sectional in different economies.
经济的(以及政治的)模型与具体的制度约束相对应,不同经济体中的制度约束无论是在不同的时间还是在不同的地区都完全不同。 |
Economic Development Review.
经济发展评论》 |
Economic Development Service Center of People,s Government of pinggu District provides “one-stop” office service for investors to help enterprises coordinate and solve problem.
平谷区人民政府经济开发服务中心为投资者提供全程“一站式”办公服务,全力帮助企业协调解决问题。 |
Economic Inquiry.
经济探究》刊载经济理论和经济问题方面的研究论文。 |
Economic Opportunity: We especially complain against the denial of equal opportunities to us in economic life; in the rural districts of the South this amounts to peonage and virtual slavery: all over the South it tends to crush labor and small business e
谋生机会:我们对于经济生活中被剥夺平等机会,尤其不满;在南部乡村,这种不平等发展为劳役偿债和实际上的奴役制;在整个南部,它趋于挤垮劳方和小型企业;在各地,往往在不公正的法律支持下,美国人的偏见使美国黑人要想获得象样的生活水平更为困难。 |
Economic Partnership: Economic treaties will give different kind of bonuses, based on the number and the strength of countries.
经济伙伴:经济条约将带来不同的好处,取决于参与国家的数量和力量. |
Economic Policy Directorate(AEP)- provides analysis on government policies related economic welfare, growth, and employment policies in the Netherlands.
经济上的政策主管职位(AEP)提供有关荷兰经济上的福利,成长和雇用政策有关政府分析。 |
Economic analysis of law (EAL) has been introduced into China for nearly twenty years and has produced undeniable fruits.
摘要法律经济分析(EAL)进入中国已近二十年,这一新兴领域内产生的效果不容否定。 |
Economic and ethical logic are once again complementary.
这里,经济逻辑和伦理逻辑再次体现了它们的互补性。 |
Economic and social relations based on ethical foundation to study the nature and distribution of fair distribution of economic principles, presentation and distribution of impartial performance characteristics of the operation is operation is ethical res
经济领域的合理分配,不仅是建设社会主义伦理文化的基础,也是社会经济活动协调运行的前提。 |
Economic and technological cooperation and trade and investment liberalization are closely linked and should support each other.
经济技术合作和贸易投资自由化是紧密结合的,应该相互促进。 |