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The sense of the questioner which is gathered from the nature of the questions is necessarily absolutely illusory.

The sense of crisis is past. 人的危机感已在为过去。
The sense of freedom among the tranquil (1) waves is wonderful. 那种在安静的波浪上面前进的自由感觉真实好极了。
The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated. 他在青少年时期留下的自卑感,还没有完全消除。
The sense of livingness is strong while with children. 兴小孩子在一起时,可感受到强烈的活力。
The sense of personality is due to the identification of the knower with the instruments of knowledge. 我执是由于知觉者以“真知”的外在体现认同于自我的知觉。简称“自以为是”。
The sense of the questioner which is gathered from the nature of the questions is necessarily absolutely illusory. 若由问题本身间接地断定背后一定有个提问者,那绝对是一种幻相。
The sense was so intensive that he forgot protesting completely. 这种感觉是如此强烈以至于他完全忘了抗议。
The senseless senator's pretense of consensus caused a sensation. 愚蠢参议员的舆论借口引起了轰动.
The senses—taste, hearing, and smell—dominate the lives of the characters in these witty, fantastical stories. 在这些机智,幻想的小说中,感觉--味觉,听觉,嗅觉--主宰了主人公的生活。
The sensible heat factors are found to increase with both Reynolds number and inlet temperature of cold water. 湿盘管的热传量随著入口风速与鳍片数目的增加而增加,显热比及除湿率亦随著风速增加而增大。
The sensing function of the pacemakers was deactivated for the exams, the researchers explained in their abstract. 实验检测时关闭了心脏起搏器的的感觉功能,研究人员在他们的摘要里对此做了解释。

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