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Drop line vertically down and read flow rate from bottom of chart.

Drop fifty cents in the box,please. 请在盒子里放50美分。
Drop in and see us when you're next in London. 到伦敦时顺便来看我。
Drop in at any time. 有时间来玩儿。
Drop in during TA office hours. 在办公时间拜访助教。
Drop in sterilized medicine regularly. Keep the blower in constant working. Check the quality of the sample of the constant to compare with the standards. 定期投药。保持鼓风机连续工作。检查取样的质量并与标准的相比较。
Drop line vertically down and read flow rate from bottom of chart. 沿着垂直线向下,从图表底部读出流量。
Drop me a line! 给我写信!
Drop off Colonists, Fighters, Torpedoes, and the Energy you made from real space moving. 卸下殖民者,战斗机,鱼类,和你经过太空移动所制造的能量。
Drop rate of Encryption Method skills has been increased. 得到加密技术原来技能概率增加。
Drop rate of data cores has been increased. 得到研究材料概率增加。
Drop shots to the alleys, either cross-court or down-the-line, will fall in for winners most of the time, as well as cross-court or down-the-line smashes, since the defending man is forced to stand right behind the woman at the T. 对于中场的扣球,或者是斜线的,或者是沿着中线的,大部分的时候会给对方创造得分的机会,同时可以回斜线的截杀,或者网前的扣杀,因为防守方的男选手被迫站在女选手的身后。

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