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Moses, Aaron and the whole Israelite community did with the Levites just as the LORD commanded Moses.

Moses summoned Mishael and Elzaphan, sons of Aaron's uncle Uzziel, and said to them, Come here; carry your cousins outside the camp, away from the front of the sanctuary. 4摩西召了亚伦叔父乌薛的儿子米沙利,以利撒反来,对他们说,上前来,把你们的亲属从圣所前抬到营外。
Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all the hardship that had befallen them on the journey, and how the Lord had delivered them. 出18:8摩西将耶和华为以色列的缘故向法老和埃及人所行的一切事、以及路上所遭遇的一切艰难、并耶和华怎样搭救他们、都述说与他岳父听。
Moses used the narratives Noah and Babel to compare Israel's future in Canaan to the great blessings promised to Noah while threatening defeat by God for defiance of God's plan. 摩西用诺亚和巴别塔的叙事来做相对应的比较:比较应许给诺亚一家的巨大祝福和以色列人将来在迦南的祝福;同时警告人若挑战神的计划必要像巴别塔那样被神击败。
Moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of God. 摩西有口吃,但他后来却成为上帝的福音使者。
Moses' father-in-law replied, What you are doing is not good. 17摩西的岳父说,你这作的不好。
Moses, Aaron and the whole Israelite community did with the Levites just as the LORD commanded Moses. 20摩西、亚伦、并以色列全会众、便向利未人如此行.凡耶和华指著利未人所吩咐摩西的、以色列人就向他们这样行。
Moses: I cannot save yours. 摩西:而我救不了你的!
Moses: It is not my son who will die, it is the first born of Egypt, it is your son, Nefretiri! 摩西:不是我的儿子要死去,要死去的是埃及的头生子——要死的是你的儿子,奈菲蒂丽!
Moses: The city is made of bricks. The strong make many, the starving make few, the dead make none. So much for accusations. 摩西(被指责对待奴隶过于慷慨):城市是由石块堆积起来的,强壮的石块堆得高,饥饿的石块堆不高,破损的石块堆不了——这是我的自我辩护。
Moses: The man stupid enough to use you as a footstool isn't wise enough to rule Egypt. 摩西:谁会这么愚蠢将你当个垫脚椅子,此人才智不足以统治埃及。
Moses: What change is there in me? 摩西:我究竟哪里变了?

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