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Patrice Evra insists Gaby Heinze's likely departure does not mean he will be handed the left-back berth on a permanent basis.

Pato admitted: My dream is to play in the Europe, but I want to wait to go at the best time. 帕托承认:“我的梦想是去欧洲踢球,但是我想等到最好的时机离开。”
Pato will be given a five-year contract starting out at £800,000 per season, rising to £1.3m by 2011-12. 帕托将会获得一份为期五年的合同,年薪80万英镑,逐年递升至2011-12年的130万英镑。
Patriarch Feng was Guru Chen's teacher in Tang Tantra. 冯大阿闍梨是陈上师的唐密教授师。
Patriarchal system, and the theories of exchange and choice are always playing their roles in our daily life, some of which are sensed by us, while some are not. 家长制、交换论和理性选择论在我们的日常生活中都时刻在发挥着作用,有些是我们意识到的,有些是我们所不自觉遵守的。
Patrice Evra and Gary Neville will be delighted by his signing because they can venture forward in future, knowing Hargreaves will cover the space they vacate. 埃弗拉和加里内维尔将对他的签约很高兴,因为知道哈格里夫斯将为他们补位后,他们能够更多的前插。
Patrice Evra insists Gaby Heinze's likely departure does not mean he will be handed the left-back berth on a permanent basis. 帕特莱斯.埃弗拉坚持认为即便海因策离开球队也不意味着他将是左后卫的绝对选择。
Patricia Rainey Studios - Features online gallery of local art and an order form. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
Patricia Tabram said she uses cannabis to alleviate pains in her neck and back, and pleaded guilty to possession of the drug with intent to supply. 派翠西亚?塔布兰说,她利用大麻来减轻颈部跟背部的疼痛,对于持有毒品并有散布之意图的罪嫌,也坦承自己有罪。
Patricia metham, the headmistress, said the number of applicants from mainland China had trebled in the past three years. 该校的女校长帕特里夏·梅塔姆说,从中国大陆来的申请人的数量过去3年已经翻了三番。
Patrick Bissell, a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre, was found dead by his fiancie, Amy Rose, an ABT soloist. December 29, 1987, at his home in Hoboken, New Jersey. 1987年12月29日,帕特里克·比斯尔——美国芭蕾舞舞台上最出色的舞蹈家,被他的未婚妻艾米·罗斯发现死于新泽西州霍波肯(位于哈得森河畔且与曼哈顿对望)的家中。
Patrick Henry plays the trumpet in the University of Louisville marching band from his wheelchair. 帕特里克亨利坐在他的轮椅上为路易斯维尔大学的行进乐队吹小号。

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