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Article 16 The guaranty agent means a bank that arranges the various guarantees for the loan of the syndicate and the transfer and administration of the collaterals (pledges) thereof where the guarantee structure is complicated.

Article 16 The control and inspection authorities above the county level may exercise control over and carry out inspection of acts of unfair competition. 第十六条县级以上监督检查部门对不正当竞争行为,可以进行监督检查。
Article 16 The economic transaction and operational matters conducted by every unit shall be entered and calculated uniformly in the account books set up according to law and may not be entered or calculated in the account books set up secretly in violati 第十六条各单位发生的各项经济业务事项应当在依法设置的会计帐簿上统一登记、核算,不得违反本法和国家统一的会计制度的规定私设会计帐簿登记、核算。
Article 16 The employer shall (1)require physical examinations when hiring radiation workers; and (2)routinely perform physical checkups on current radiation workers, and take proper measures in response to checkup results. 第16条雇主雇用辐射工作人员时,应要求其实施体格检查;对在职之辐射工作人员应实施定期健康检查,并依检查结果为适当之处理。
Article 16 The expense of the occupational-disease-prevention facilities for any Construction Project shall be counted into the engineering budget of the Construction Project, and the occupational-disease-prevention facilities should be designed, engineer 第十六条建设项目的职业病防护设施所需费用应当纳入建设项目工程预算,并与主体工程同时设计,同时施工,同时投入生产和使用。
Article 16 The finance department under the State Council compiles the specific draft of the central budget and draft of the final accounts, practically organizes the implementation of the central and local budgets, puts forward proposals for drawing on r 第十六条国务院财政部门具体编制中央预算、决算草案;具体组织中央和地方预算的执行;提出中央预算预备费动用方案;具体编制中央预算的调整方案;定期向国务院报告中央和地方预算的执行情况。
Article 16 The guaranty agent means a bank that arranges the various guarantees for the loan of the syndicate and the transfer and administration of the collaterals (pledges) thereof where the guarantee structure is complicated. 第十六条担保代理行是指在担保结构比较复杂的银团贷款中,负责落实银团贷款的各项担保及其抵(质)押物转让、管理等工作的银行。
Article 16 The imported raw materials and spare and component parts shall, within the period of one year after their importation, be processed into finished products and sold outside the Chinese territory; and the enterprise concerned shall, within the pe 第十六条进口料、件应自进口之日起一年内加工成品销往中国境外,并在合同执行完毕后一个月内由生产企业持凭《登记手册》和经海关签印的出口货物报关单向海关办理核销手续。
Article 16 The mortgage of a civil aircraft shall be established by registering the mortgage of the civil aircraft with the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council jointly by the mortgagee and the mortgagor; no mortgage may act against 第十六条设定民用航空器抵押权,由抵押权人和抵押人共同向国务院民用航空主管部门办理抵押权登记;未经登记的,不得对抗第三人。
Article 16 The names of investors abroad holding foreign capital stocks listed abroad and registered in the list of shareholders of a company shall be the foreign capital stock holders abroad of the company. 第十六条依法持有境外上市外资股、其姓名或者名称登记在公司的股东名册上的境外投资人,为公司的境外上市外资股股东。
Article 16 The overseas use of foreign exchange insurance funds shall lay stress on the match with foreign exchange liabilities in respect of term structure and currency structure. 第十六条保险外汇资金的境外运用应当注重在期限结构、币种结构等方面与外汇资金的负债相匹配。
Article 16 The people's government at various levels shall formulate long-term forestry plans. 第十六条各级人民政府应当制定林业长远规划。

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