Housework is facilitated with the advent of modern inventions.
41随着现代化发明的出现简化了家务事. |
Housework is low on her list of priorities.
在她那些非做不可的事情中, 家务活并不重要. |
Housework is no longer regarded as women's.
家务事不再被认为是妇女的专职。 |
Housework is usually done by my mother.
家务活通常由我妈妈来做。 |
Housework keeps mother on the fly all day.
家务劳动使母亲整天忙忙碌碌。 |
Housework kept her bound to the house.
家务把她束缚在家里。 |
Housing balance means the smooth state of energy information communication in the living place.
居室平衡:居住场所能量信息的通畅状态。 |
Housing eyes were smart : You recently bought a house with thunder and lightning Cross not mine?
搜房精明眼:近日雷电交加你买的房子防不防雷? |
Housing focus on notice : the rapid rise of potential youth Lu plate geometric?
焦点房谈预告:青年路板块迅速崛起潜力几何? |
Housing fund is a benefit provided by the company.
住房积金是公司提供的 一项福利. |
Housing has allocated for the purchase of risks?
购买划拨用地房屋有风险吗? |