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This thesis is aimed to discuss how to generally evaluate customer credit by discriminant analysis in China, where credit is relatively scarce for individuals and companies.

This thesis has advanced several measures to raise emulsive explosives stability through the study of several factors affecting emulsive explosives stability. 通过研究影响乳化炸药稳定性的几个因素,提出了提高乳化炸药稳定性的几种措施。
This thesis has analyzed methods of protection of weak parties in different private international laws so as to make suggestions for the perfection of future legislation in China. 这里对各国国际私法保护弱者权益的方法进行分析和归纳,并对我国未来相关立法的完善提出建议。
This thesis intends to analyze the theme, literary style, poetic spirit and historic source of Tian Wen by Qu Yuan. 摘要本文对《天问》的意旨、文体特质与诗学精神及其历史渊源进行了解析。
This thesis introduces the general principles of the biological treatment technology for heavy metal wastewater and particularly analyses present research situation and application prospects of microbiological coagulation method, biosorption method and ph 摘要介绍了重金属废水生物处理技术的一般原理,主要分析了微生物絮凝法、生物吸附法和植物修复技术的研究现状及应用前景。
This thesis is about that how to set up a complete green taxation system based on the present taxation system in our country. 本文拟就如何在我国现行税制基础上建立与完善我国绿色税收制度这一问题作一初步探讨。
This thesis is aimed to discuss how to generally evaluate customer credit by discriminant analysis in China, where credit is relatively scarce for individuals and companies. 本文用多元统计中的判别分析方法,探讨了中国社会这个信用相对缺失的大环境下,如何实现对于商业银行客户贷款资信的综合评价。
This thesis is discuss about two important concepts Cognate wordand Synonym wordby anlysis some intresting examples. 摘要“同源词”与“同义词”是词源学的两个基本概念,本文通过对一些例子的分析,辨析了这两个概念。
This thesis is laying claim to the basic way of thinking of reform as follows: Institutional from the innovation of the argumentation foundation set out, specaal reliefwhich sets up to take procedure justice as core to be worth discusses again a principle 改革的基本思路是:从创新制度的立论基础出发,树立以程序正义为核心价值的“特殊救济”再审理念,以启动程序的法定理由具休化为切人点,严格限制法院自行再审的职权,规范检察院的再审抗诉权限,赋予当事人启动程序的主体资格,并确立再审一审终审原则。
This thesis made a research on the transmissive subject of early Buddhism in China from the transmissive perspective. 摘要本文从传播学角度对佛教早期在华传教主体进行研究。
This thesis mainly describes the Medical Insurance System in Social Security System. 本论文主要介绍社会保障体系中的医疗保险制度。
This thesis mainly discusses four aspects: the first, the relationships of a polysemic inscription, an inscription writing several words and sememes; the second, a word written by several inscriptions and its sememe, or sememes; the third, homographic ins 非一一对应关系主要表现在四个方面:一字多义、一字表多词和义位的关系;一词多字与义位的关系;一字异形、同形字、同源字与词、义位的关系;字、词、义位对应关系涉及词的同一性问题。

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