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Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?

Will items in the mail or auction house become lost? 那在拍卖里和邮箱里的东西呢?
Will its greeting be courteous or rough? 它的问候是谦恭抑或粗鲁?
Will large numbers of jobs in construction and other real estate activities be lost? 建筑业和其他与房地产相关的工作岗位是否会大量减少?
Will leave U low & blow Ur mind, blow Ur mind. 将让你变得卑贱,且冲击你的神经!
Will life lonesome, the smile which uses you turns to open. 将一生的寂寞,用你的微笑化开。
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man? 是否聪明的小鲍比会成为股票经纪人?
Will lucky sevens result in wedded bliss for the lucky in love? 吉祥的“7”字会给恋爱中的幸运儿带来婚姻幸福吗?
Will moderate Democrats and Republicans co-operate, or will party discipline trump good sense? 中庸的民主党人是否会跟共和党合作,还是让党派纪律蒙蔽了判断力?
Will modern technology, such as the internet ever replace the book or the written word as the main source of information? 24在信息世界里,现代科技中如计算机网络逐步普及,有人认为它将会取代书籍及其它书寓式大众传播媒体,你的看法?
Will money as such bring you happiness? 金钱本身会给你带来幸福吗?
Will moons have a function? 游戏中的月亮是否有什么作用?

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