The gallery has more than 200 painters and makes the subject matter of oil painting extensivly.
我们的画室发展至今己拥有50多名经验丰富的画师。 |
The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art.
这个画廊是中世纪艺术的宝库。 |
The gallery purchased the painting in 1916 from London auctioneers Christie's, but it was believed to be a copy from the 18th century.
美术馆于1916年从伦敦的拍卖商佳士得买下这幅画作,但认为它是一幅18世纪的赝品。 |
The gallery said the painting, which shows a red-haired Mary wearing a feathered cap and ruffled collar, was painted either for a supporter as a symbol of loyalty while she was in prison or as an icon of Catholic martyrdom after her death.
美术馆说,这件呈现红发玛丽穿戴著翎冠与高褶领的作品,若非拥护者在她系狱时为了表示效忠而绘,就是在她死后作为天主教殉道者肖像而画。 |
The gallery says the exhibition is unprecedented inshowingforensic photographs where the victims bodies are still inplace.In one picture, a womans legs are seen through long grassand anold fashioned Dutch bicycle lies on its side.
画廊方面表示,这是一场史无前例的犯罪现场照片展览,许多照片上都保留了现场的死者尸体。 |
The gallery showcased my good friend's sculptures.
这家画廊举办我的好友的雕塑特展。 |
The gallops are three quarters of the way around the farm and it looks to be on a par with Chester races, although not as wide.
马场标志被树立在马场马场周围的道路上,就和切斯特赛马比赛是一样的。 |
The gallows groans for him.
绞架在等着他[你]呢。 |
The gamble paid off.
赌赢了. |
The gamblers fleeced Adams of all his money.
那些赌棍把亚当斯的钱都诈骗光了。 |
The game against the visiting Denver Nuggets on Monday night, at the Palace of Auburn Hills before nearly 22,000 fans, shows that Lady Luck has not completely abandoned the team.
在主场对阵掘金的比赛中,面对22000+名球迷,(其实没有,那个时候大家都以为活塞挂了,都退场一大半了)幸运女神轻轻地辅助了活塞一把,她并没有完全抛弃这支球队。 |